Tip the scales paladin card

Stargazeer will work in any Mage deck that needs draw and plays a lot of cheap spells.

Which is literally any Mage deck.

Paladin is my main class.

If this trend continues, I will extend my break from this game until something meaningful happens.

Which may or may not ever happen.
But whatever.

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Sure, Big Spell Mage was totally a tier-2 archetype that played nothing but small spells…

Yeah >.>

The problem is that your opponent has to willing play into Rhyssa and actually not remove it. Stargazer is just a play the card then pop off during the same turn. That kind of makes one really good and the other useless. If Rhyssa was perma stealthed it would be MUCH better.


This seems awful, as it stands right now. Now there may still be some awesome murlocs to be added, but we already know 3 so far (Murmy, Fishflinger and Finley) and it’s hard to believe there’s going to be a lot more impactful ones added.

The best case seems like it would be pulling 2x Grimscale Oracle, 2x Blugill and 2x Warleader for 2x 8/2 charging murlocs. But that’s the dream scenario and would be pretty rare that you haven’t drawn any of those by turn 8. I’d imagine you want Tastyfin in your murloc deck which also makes it more likely that you draw these murlocs you want to force out. And lots of the good murlocs have battlecries that are made irrelevant: Toxfin, Seer, Tidehunter, the new Fishflinger.

It’s sort of like a Myra’s Unstable Element in some cases since you’ll be massively thinning your deck and in a sense, it’s nice that it’s putting the stats in play vs just drawing them. But still. Maybe if Warleader still buffed health and there were taunt murlocs that could protect the valuable ones that get pulled it might be ok. But when Warpath is a card that exists in standard, Tip the Scales seems very underwhelming.

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That is true.

To get value from Rhyssa, you need your enemy to do something to activate your secrets.

Luna draws you cards, which, depending on what deck you are playing, allow you to massively swing the board in your favor.

Commander Rhyssa isn’t a bad card, but it is still less flexible than Stargazer Luna. It is much easier for a Mage deck to use cheap cards than it is for a Paladin deck to use secrets.

Card draw is a very powerful effect in Hearthstone. The power to draw multiple cards is much more impactful than replaying a Paladin secret. Stargazer Luna can singlehandedly decide games when it is played. Commander Rhyssa can give the player a slight advantage, but its effect is more easily dealt with.

Paladin gets great legendaries, the class just sucks.

Kangor, Kangor’s army, tarim (one of the best legendaries ever printed) are all fantastic.

Right now Paladin has both a spell and direct minion attack secret. I literally think all Rhyssa is missing to be strong is the card draw.

You have board command tools right now and some minions the synergize with Secrets well. Avenge would be nice to rotate back in though as well >.>


… Murloc Paladin :expressionless:

Thanks for helping me be more selective of which classes to focus on for this expansion, I suppose?

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Kangor’s Army I’d agree but Kangor is ‘meh’ in my opinion. Decent 28-32 card but nothing special

Why do you care, you are just gonna keep on playing Cyclone Mage right? Not like anything will stop it from being broken.

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I honestly haven’t played much Standard Cyclone Mage lately. Got kinda burned out on it in May. Dragon Mage is also fun, though I’ve played more Overload Shaman than any one specific deck last month. This month has been busy and plagued by meta fatigue, so I really haven’t played a ton. Pretty common for me on the final month of an expansion.

Maybe if you weren’t so disingenuous and berserkoid about your argument points, folks might take your outrage a bit more seriously.


Army is going to be useless once this expansion drops lmao.

How are you going to rebuild your giant mechs when they get turned into Murlocs or just mass silenced and destroyed like come on.

If there was any HINT of a control deck, kangor would be the standard Reno, which it has been before. The card itself is amazing. There is just zero Paladin deck worth playing with it.

Godfrey is an amazing legendary. It’s not a reflection of Godfrey though that warlock sucks right now though.


Is a Control Paladin deck really too much to ask?
Secrets and Murlocs…

I ladder with Secret Paladin in Wild.
The only card I added from the previous expansions was a single copy of Never Surrender.

I actually like this card in one of my decks - prelate undertakah.

This helps you thin your deck faster all while applying pressure. The problem with prelate was drawing to get it to work all while applying pressure was hard to do.

Now you can build a murloc deck (hopefully) and do both. Won’t be any serious tier deck but makes the prelate thing a little more possible.

I do something similar with a Odd paladin OTK DK deck and it works amazing.

And maybe if you didn’t blatant defend yours (and Blizzard’s!) favorite class in the game with every single god damned post you make I wouldn’t have to explain that no, it’s not okay for a class to have literally zero weaknesses especially when that class can make a full board of giants on turn 5.

Except I don’t, clearly.

Don’t let facts and reality get in the way of your false accusations. This is the internet after all, no reason to be reasonable, right? :wink:

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That’s not related to what you asked philistine, you asked when the last time was that Paladin got good legendaries. That has nothing to do with the next expansion (which hasn’t even been released yet).