Time to get rid of Arena

All Arena is full of is cheaters and bot decks. The non cheater can’t compete vs the bot decks.

Just get rid of Arena if you can’t fight this Blizz.


The simple fact is: they don’t care about the bots, they care about making money.

This was proven during the wow botting issues, and continues to be proven here.

So long as the money they make from the botters outweighs the money they lose from players leaving the game over the issue, nothing will change.

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I’m all for taking out yet another mode! Need to focus on constructed and Solo Adventures!!

Arena is still a solid mode. I mostly watch streamers play it as deck building is not my forte, but it’s a nice mode to get away from Constructed metas. Sure, there are Class metas within Arena, but you still can’t expect the same thing over and over.