Time runs out, but there turn is still going

how do people take 5 min turns and the rope is at the other end for 3 min and there time doesn;t run out. this is total crud. the second that rope hit the other end my turn end weather im done or not. is there some hack for this or what?

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It’s a known exploit but players will claim it’s just “Server side animation” :poop::poop: those players should be reported for cheating/exploiting.


To be more clear to the above comment, the other player has a modified game client to skip animations so they can queue up the minutes worth of animations you are seeing the next turn.

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Proof ? that’s the first time I read about that

If it’s known, what is it ?

Exactly not that
They are client side, this is why they are not synchronized between each player

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There is no proof. Some people on this forum just make stuff up and spread misinformation for fun


Only those who use this exploit claims this.

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Only those who don’t know what they talk about don’t give any elements when contradicted…
It’s not an exploit when all you have to do to replicate what people complain about is simply playing your cards faster than a snail

Make a decklist with long animation time cards, play with a friend, play a lot of cards in the same turn and check what happens on the screen of your friend
It only takes 5 minutes and a thought process to realise there’s no exploit

But if you think there’s an exploit you’re free to document it. After many threads of void accusations I’m still waiting for factual exploit proofs.

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No, server side animations literally don’t exist, every animation ever is client side and the only thing limiting actions per turn is your own animations, which can be removed with a client hack.

You are an embarrassment, give me my name back and make a new one

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Since no one cares to bring documentation I went and found a year old post that redirects to a reddit example of a client hack :

So now I learned that this is actually a thing which makes me mitigate my argument :
All depends of what you actually saw. Without hack, without exploit, it’s absolutely possible to have your animations extend from your rope time from the point of view of your opponent. All this hack is doing is emphasizing it.
The best example I saw of that was the tavern brawl blood magic when druids were able to play their whole deck on turn 1. Any player with good APM could do it, which resulted to a lot of games with absurdly long first turns

From your perspective you cannot really tell if your opponent simply played a lot of cards quickly at the end of your turn, or if they actually have a hacked client when it’s only a few couples of cards.
When it starts to get fishy is when they really started playing late in their turn and manage to play cards that they generated or drew reeeealy late in the animations. Cards a normal player couldn’t have had in hand in time to play them.

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I’ve had this happen back when Miracle Priest was a thing in standard. From my point of view, it seemed like my opponent was somehow playing without suffering the consequences of animations, but it may have very well been only from my perspective.

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Sure, sure. And this coming from a botter. It’s an exploit of game mechanics.

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“Playing your cards during your turn” is not an exploit.
It’s called playing the game as it is intended.

Unless you have clear evidence that they somehow managed to play their cards abnormally fast using an external help, they are just playing the game as normal.

Which, in this very topic, isn’t identified since we have no idea what exactly happened in the game being reported. Unless OP confirms that the time they indicate isn’t exagerated and we’d have to take their word for proof.

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you dont…

people who claimed they did this lied to you

But they could have used an exploit (or hacked client) to play more cards than humanly possible, leading to more cards animations queued up to unfold after they turn ended.

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there are animation turn off client side hacks by editing a file i heard so yeah. they do cheat. but if i report them i’ll probably wind up banned by blizzard’s stupid modding team that’s why i don’t report anyone anymore because i was falsely banned once

Just close the game and restart it will reconnect you to game and animation is over. And if they clicked end turn it’s your turn.
Also works well in BG you will start at Bob’s with 120 seconds worth shopping.