Tikatus is broken

I have not lost yet with this deck it crazy how much I can heal and board clear, I can keep before I can mill them to death. Even face hunter does not have a chance against it.


Good for you. Take your way to legend and return here after you finish to tell how it was.



I made a post complaining about warlock removal and healing. I feel like it’s too much.

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dont worry

it isnt !

Stats beg to differ.

Given your history of dishonesty I’m willing to consider that you are not playing tickatus warlock at all and you are just trying to find a new way to complain about it.


I’m glad you finally made a none whine thread for a change.

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I feel differently. But since I have no control over the game does it matter? Lol

If you think ticketus is broken, you should try zoo lock: it can draw the entire deck by turn 9, so ticketus won’t be much useful against them.
It has also many way to early buff the board, so early AoE are usually not much effective

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let’s be real, OP is incapable of reaching Legend, regardless of the deck he uses, even tho he claims it’s overpowered.

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And I’m the Queen of England


I never really try for it but if want I could make down closed to it each month. I’m only two rank down from Legend. But Just play rank to do my daily and enough to get few pack of cards each months.

of course that’s what everybody who hasn’t made it says.

and this system is exponentially easier than the previous one.

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It’s not hard to rank with the way new star system paired with the old one so it why so many get Legend then before. I mean just for a win award 2 or 3 start most times.

I would also like to know the deck you played to legend as Tick is annoying for sure, but top tier fm what I see is far fm it. Though in the future I do forsee some kind of a nerf to the card but devs have stated that it will not happen unless the card gets out of control which right now it does not.

There’s also ways to whine abt a particular deck or card. The 1st been upfront and the other is disguise whine(the I played the deck to legend scenario so easy pls nerfed it) which might hinder any approval of your particular point been objective at all.

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The d5 bracket to legend is very competitive. The grind is tough unless you have the 11 star bonus this particular run d5 legend is where you either stay here 4ever or climb by grinding and hitting the 50 plus win rate. Tick warlocks are by far the least of your problems on this run unless you are playing another game(another universe where tick warlock is a thing)

I had change few cards around because I was missing stuff but it seem help the deck.

If look I had replace few cards.

You beat a mirror pretty handedly because you pulled tick earlier and got much better value out of Y’Shaarj at an optimal curve. That seems about right in that matchup.

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Most time pulls early on every-time, it only when doesn’t I lose sometime.

Glad to hear that OP. I hope you win all your matches, open lots of legendaries from your packs and hope you’ll have a happy life. Cheers!

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DH is broken, it has all the removal and healing of Warlock and none of the downsides.