This patch messed up the RNG. No troll topic

After this patch, I keep seeing the same cards proc when RNG is rolled.

Conjurer’s Calling - it’s like 90% summoning grave horror
Summon random legendary effects - I keep getting Illidan

And it seems a lot of times the discover mechanic will discover most of the same cards in the same game.


There’s only 2 12 Mana minions in the game (Mountain Giant and Grave Horror), so it makes sense you’d see a lot of Horrors.

The pool of valid cards for Discover is much smaller than it was pre-rotation, which is probably why it seems like you always see the same one (fewer cards to discover and not all of them are likely to be useful).


Start count. Show exact % after 100 usages of the spell.

You don’t have to do 100 castings to figure something it off with Conjurer’s Calling if it appears to be coughing up grave horror 90% of the time.

At 12 mana Conjurer’s Calling is a Priest card while the other standard option is Mountain Giant. IIUC then the ranking for random cards cards is supposed to be your class, neutral, and then another class.

So you have a weighted average with Mountain Giant being more likely then Conjurer’s Calling unless you are a priest who via one of their cards got Conjurer’s Calling.

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yeah, just played a match vs a mage, Player tried to add me as friend after thought he was all cool and some kind of pro player.

His whole deck was Meeks (cost 1 -2 mana) save for the automatic legend Stargazer turn 3. Nice. Now anytime drop a 1 drop get to draw a card. And then 2 cards where play then get more minions in. your hand. Nice.

MTG white weenie deck basically. Ah discover a spell - oh co wink dink its kill command now that drop alpha wolf.

Well if the RNG is going to hand you the win not much I can do about it, I have 2 taunts heck if I know where there are. One gets perfect cards all the way through other its just shooting spitballs.

No skill required, just flop and plop to the autopilot.

robo rags on cue
2/7 taunts in cue back to back
zillion cue
hex on cue

got 2 big baddies? Oh I just so happen to have 2 alder peacekeepers in under 1o cards off the top of my deck. now watch my magnetic combo back to back to back!

its all just a pattern man. then do the rock paper scissors.


I thought i would try this game again but its still all about winning from random mechanics so forget this trash game

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I thought the class/neutral weighting only applied to Discover effects?

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You have to if you wish to get result with precision up to 1%.

Actually no. Assuming that you have two and only two options that are independent from each other you have 50/50 or 0.5. To get the same outcome in two attempts is .25 (0.5^2 or 25%), three is 12.5% (0.5^3 or 0.125) and on it goes. By the seventh outcome you are at 0.5^7 or 0.7% (ie less then 1%) The chance to get the other outcome at least once is 1-x or 50% for one attempt, 75% for two attempts, 87.5% for three and so on. If Mountain Giant is only coming up every third to fourth attempt over a sample size as small as 10 then something is wonked.

You know, I went to roll virtual dice to give you practical examples of how much the distribution is wonked at such small sample sizes. To my surprise, the very first roll was one 2 and nine 1s. Exactly 10-90 which the OP claimed… with a 50-50 roll.

And the next results were: 4-6, 9-1, 6-4, 6-4. 5-5, 3-7, 4-6.
And to make double sure, with actual physical dice: 4-6, 6-4, 7-3, 8-2, 6-4, 3-7, 5-5.

Soo… you should consider something might be wrong with your math there.

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Your sample size wasn’t 10 it was 140 (14 sets of 10) and only one of those matched the 90% by the OP which was the luck of the draw as it were.

Actually two of those sets met the criteria. And the chances of having 1-9 with 10 coin flips is about one in fifty (one in a hundred either direction).

The actual math goes as follows:
Coin flip ten times has 2^10 permutations (that’s 1024). To have exactly one of those coin flips land heads is 10/1024 and the same for tails (because the outlier can be any of the ten coin flips). So, 20/1024 and, if we want to add chances of no heads and no tails to that, 22/1024, which is pretty much 1/50 (actually a little more but who cares).

Now consider how many random effects there are in HS and ask how fast you’ll run into 1/50 scenario on one of those. The OP’s example is cherrypicking from all those scenarios without even proper documentation. Mine was literally the very first one I rolled, which was lucky sure, but nothing special (I even rolled that same result a second time on the third set).

(Oh, and my sample size was 14 not 140, because I was testing the sets of ten.)

Last time I checked 10*14 was indeed 140. When you have flat independent sets like this how you group them doesn’t mean squado.

If any aspect of RNG is weighed, then isn’t this card manipulation by definition?

ITT: People who fail to understand that randomness is a theoretical concept that can’t be observed in reality.

And if you think for 10 seconds you realize my sample of “sets of ten coin flips” was 14. This isn’t that hard to grasp, is it?

You were the one who said a sample of ten proves something. Yet my very first 10 coin flips proves that wrong by being 1-9 (unless of course you claim randomness of the universe is rigged as well). I included more sets to give you a better sample of the distribution rather than misrepresenting it with a one in fifty roll.

Also the math I gave still checks out. 10 coin flips is simply too small of a sample size mathematically.

No. The weights in Discover effects are generally unrelated to card draw.

The patterns seem to be working just fine.

Just played a Mage

Dropped 1/30 Luna on 3. The drawing machine was started.
Dropped Sorcerer Apprentice on 4.
Magic Trick, Ray of Frost, Magic Trick Again, Icicle, Magic Trick a 3rd time, Tome of Intellect, Conjurers Calling, Summon 2 0/2 with Taunt, Frost Bolt
Mana Cyclone

Heh my Side is Clear he has nearly a full board, 9 cards in hand, 20 cards lets in the chute on turn 5.

Drop a Mountain Giant on 6. Now do another conjurers calling get a Mountain Giant and 7/8 Horror.

28 - 14 turn 6 GG next game.

RNG is working just fine (Topedecking as designed) - the patterns are flowing 1 2 3 RNG.

Thanks to the patented AI programming handing out cards based cost and not randomness (Stargazer Luna on 3) Thank You!

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Get another Spell Mage. I am playing control got nothing but totems 1 - 3.

They play Banana Buffoon on 3

On 4 they play Your Elementals cost 3 less. Drop TWO Mountains on 4.
Well that’s GG.

On turn 5 play Conjurers Calling. Which AUTOMATICALLY CREATES Grave Horrors.

This game is so Flipping dumb.

So much skill used. So much skill.

Like the one forum poster said. Gee, how much thinking needs to be done for 5 turn matches?

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So if Conjurer’s calling produces a weighed average of neutrals being more likely than class cards, how is this not RNG manipulation?

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