This is the worst it's been in a long time

It’s either i’m dying by turn 6 to a flood paladin or pain warlock. No way to counter unless you’re playing a top meta counter deck. Can’t ever even try to dabble in new decks because i can’t get above a 45 percent win rate with any deck i use that’s not on the top meta board. Last month i was so close to legend with my own deck and it was fun. NO DECKS SHOULD HAVE A 75 PERCENT WIN RATE AKA FLOOD PALADIN. stop taking weeks/months to fix this crap. Nobody is paying DH, Rogue. And of course those are my favorite classes. Both only have ONE DECK that can climp with above a 55 percent win rate. Give me 10 min with your card design team and i’ll have this game fixed. I actually play the game unlike your company of money hungry rigged games that force you to purchase the cards you don’t have to even climb. Stop it you scoundrels


Rogue has 3 viable decks. If all 3 are played in the highest ranks, what’s your excuse?

Also, the patch with pally and painlock nerfs is live in 5 minutes.

It’s gonna help against painlocks, not sure about pallies, though

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