This is my hearthstone experience now

Log in
Roll quests to get “play 3 games as x class”
Insta-concede three times in a row


Why bother to log in, then?

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Do you fell empowered to play any mode you want?

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If your whole enjoyment of the game comes from earning 100 gold every now and again then that’s a problem for you that’s far greater than the current rewards system

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He can’t play the deck he wants if he don’t earn 100 gold every now and again.


This mentality is pathetic. What do you want Blizzard to do? Some people like Battlegrounds, some people like arena, some people like constructed. You want them to tailor make every quest just to you? Dont like it? Reroll? Dont like the reroll option? Don’t do it.

F2P players moan about everything, if you want to be an entitled moron go to Reddit, you’ll get Karma for it there.

Hopefully HS is going to die soon, along with actiblizzard.

HS is turning into the same level of joke as the diablo immortal announcement at blizzcon. Con is sure the right word there.

Because he gets easy xp from conceding quests and if he rolls a 800 xp quest, he has a chance to reroll it into the easy concede-class quest, which is worth 1000 xp.

I’d be in the same boat, OP, but I had a few decks I genuinely wanted to try out. But on the plus side, at least you got hearthstone on an easy farm

No, I mean like why play, if you don’t actually want to play?

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You are doing it all right. There’s no thrill at all in a system not rewarding winning.

Save gold and dust for when the game enters maintenance mode, then craft all the top decks and play normally.

So you’ll want to play then, just not now?

What’s the difference?


20 characters…

The power creep. If you craft all top decks now they won’t be top decks in some months from now.

I wonder if they’d ever even put HS in maintenance mode, or if they’d just shut down the servers after X months of the final expansion to save costs. Can’t really advertise a dead game with no future content, so new customers seem unlikely and existing ones would become unprofitable super fast.

There will always be new players even when the game is in maintenance mode. The server cost isn’t that big for them to close the game completely due to not making profit.

I expect HS 2 is being made at this very moment. HS 1 is pretty much a wrap - there won’t be anything significant new to expect in it.

But people WANT to play, but they can’t because they don’t have cards.

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I thought it was in English right there… to finish the 3 quests. Did you read something different?

That’s LITERALLY what they just said they were playing… Quest completion. It’s a probably a different meta than what you’ve ever thought of.

Saving gold for future expansions, it’s low effort for some reward, and there’s always room for HS to improve