This game is total garbage

From excavate summoning 8cost minion or Ragnaros on turn 3 is stupid. GG blizz


If you like solitaire, it’s great. To win, all you have to do is play solitaire faster. If you like CCGs where planning and strategizing and thinking ahead and being able to do a little math in your head matters, it stinks

And the worst part is, there’s almost zero chance that it’s going to get any better


Strategy in this slot machine idiotic rng game? LOL


It used to be a strategy game but now everyone is just playing solo aka whoever is first to draw his broken combo that cannot be countered to kill the opponent by turn 7
I thought if they shift it to control meta instead of aggro things would be better, however in a typical pay to win fashion they’ve made a card like Reno and buffed it to the point where it cannot be sabotaged by any means, no strategy can outvalue this dumb card except hit face and hope to win before turn 8…
And I thought Mage’s Reno back in the day poofing your board was a problem but this one is on steroids and a neutral card that can be utilized by any class…


this game is only as bad as you allow it to be,

i have a great time playing every day!

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I think rule one of customer feedback is that if the customer is calling your product total garbage, or a slot machine idiotic rng game, then there’s nothing that you could ever do to make that person happy, and you should ignore every word they say


A game is as fun as you make it. Like the other day I was playing a Yogg Shudderblock Shaman deck in Wild. And like yesterday I was playing a Yogg Rogue deck in Wild. Standard Spell Mage is a lot of fun as well.

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Standard spell mage is pure solitaire. Like I said, if you like solitaire, hearthstone is in a great place right now

I’m sick and tired of playing against decks where it simply does not matter what I do. I don’t even know why I’m here anymore

I just do my dailies and pray for the day things get better

Wth is “total garbage?”

Are there levels to the amount of trash one can compile?


Yes, there is a saying that one’s garbage might be another’s man treasure.

Let me explain it to you like you are 5. You can call garbage things that you do not use or are broken and you cannot repair them or do not want to…Throwing them away might make someone else take them, repair them and used them.

On the other hand, hearthstone is a pestilent radioactive garbage that needs to be disposed by people in white suits through chemical reactions or part of an environmental hazard policy, and has no use compared to the previous type of garbage (mostly because HS is a result of separating the good from bad which results in poison or radioactive waste, much like gold and cionid, Hearthstone being the cionid in this case) .

Some types of garbage can be broken apart by nature and be transformed into other things useful for other beings, while HS is like plastic in oceans.

So yea, “total garbage” is a thing and hearthstone is worse.