They rigged Hearthstone!

Thank you so much Blizzard!

I crafted Greyheart Sage and you rigged the matchmaker to give me tons of Priests!

Keep up the good job!


sarcastic or serious?

Sarcastic. Because people are driven to conspiracy out of negative experiences, this seems funny.

Thought you weren’t posting anymore?


I’m not making authored posts anymore, and I stated that in my last written post very clearly. As I said to someone else: It’s sure alot easier to be the critic as opposed to the critiqued.

What a waste of dust.

So there’s a version of Rogue that doesn’t LOL every time it meets a Priest?

Happy to repost the proof whenever it is needed. Can’t argue with the facts:

That’s not proof, and anyone with the most basic understanding of statistics can tell you that.

We certainly can. For one, we can argue as to whether or not the facts presented in the liked Hearthpwn topic are real or made up. Then we can argue whether or not the facts demonstrate the conclusion the OP claims it does (they don’t). And we could go on and on. Of course, that won’t stop you from posting the same drivel again and again, because “Hearthstone is rigged” is not a matter of fact, but an article of faith.


Lol his math doesn’t even add up. How do you get 0.2% difference from 26?

Spoiler alert you can’t.

There’s a reason he didn’t provide any proof, just Random numbers (which apparently he made up or they would add up properly) despite being asked multiple times for what he got his numbers from. Makes it harder to believe he’s a statistician for 15 years and can’t even do basic math, or understand what a reasonable sample size is.

Nice criteria for ‘facts’. More like ‘always happy to embarrass myself’. Never build planes please.


If even factual statistics aren’t enough to change your mind, I’m afraid nothing is. I hope in the future, you will finally come to understand that blind love for a game only causes the developer to take advantage of its player base.

Good fans enjoy a game, great fans constructively critique it to make it even better. And right now, Hearthstone needs a lot of constructive critique.

You didn’t present factual statistics.


have anyone kept track of how many times trolls have tried to use that thread as “proof”? i lost count a long time ago

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Well if that post wasn’t enough, you guys aren’t gonna like this!

I ran a counter deck to a warlock. First match I play, NOT A WARLOCK. It’s so obvious. I ran a 1 match trial and 100% of the time, I didn’t play the deck I was countering. Guys, it’s obvious, there are only 9 classes and multiple types of decks per class. There is NO WAY that 100% of the time out of 1 games I wouldn’t be matched against my tech counter.

So. You know. I just hope you guys can see the light. That’s all I gotta say. I tried. At least I can know that. You guys had a chance to be saved. But ya DIDN’T take it! DID YA!?



New to the hearthstone forums so I’m used to the level of salt on OW.

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Yes :stuck_out_tongue:

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Why, how do you accuse me :lying_face: of sarcasm?

I :lying_face: am just an innocent guy telling it like it is.

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Ah great! Here be president