They just don't want to stop with their scam, right?

tavern pass, 20€ for stats/emotes (which are usually available for free on every game), 4 arena tickets and a p2w advantage, no season reward for reaching x mmr, no gold gain increase (1h30 to get 10golds with 100% winrate wtf)

it literally costs 2x more than any pass but gives not just 2x less but 74587527452427247x less (even on mw, which also belongs to activision, this season’s weapons are meh but there’re still lots of skins, double xp tokens AND enough currency to buy the next pass)

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Why would they? People keep paying for it.


yeah well, this time i won’t, i bought it last season and it wasn’t worth it, they could have given something for the end of the season, even a portrait or cardback for reaching 10k mmr or w/e but nope, nothing

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That’s how capitalism works. If you don’t see the value in the product relative to the asking price, you don’t buy it. Simple. It’s not a scam unless they are tricking you into buying something you don’t want. They don’t hide what is included for that asking price.


If you don’t like it then dont play. They have to monetize stuff because that’s what pay the bills. I’m sorry you want to live in some imaginary land where people give you free stuff. Don’t be some deadbeat sponge and pay up.


welcome to online casino

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what scam?

did you get something different than advertised ?


Calling it a scam is incorrect.

What bothers me about it is how the price only adjusts once halfway through — if you buy card packs 2 months after release you can still use them for most of the time they are in standard and they are still worth dust later.

I thought the Battle Pass was discussed already. It’s not worth buying, at any cost, at any time

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CEO makes 30mill a year and fires staff for a bigger check. Then you come on here telling ppl Not to be a sponge and shill for them like this is some indie company scraping for pennies. BRILLIANT

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This. If they want to have a subscription-esque monetisation model for BG perks, fine. $20/2500g for 4 months and call it a day. Keep the preorder bonus xpac-xpac as they dont align perfecty with 4 month periods, but its just stupid to have such extreme value changes in a format not reliant on expansions in any way, shape, or form.

If they would just nerf Eudora and buff some of the bottom tier classes I think it’s perfectly fine with 2 hero choices to be competitive. Currently getting highrolled by Eudora almost every lobby while you have to pick either Nefarian or Galakrond doesn’t cut it.

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That’s a pretty weird expression to use for billion $ companies.

Pretty sure Activision/Blizzard’s CEO and shareholders making millions of $…can cover their “bills” just fine and 99% of the money they make is pure profit for them.

Use ‘covering the bills’ for a street musician or something, not a billion $ company.


People obviously pay for it, else the price would not be so high… I would do the same imo…

everything about this game is a scam,
these guys are just mad they invested in nothing and now feel they need to play until they get their worth out of it

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This exactly. The billion dolar companies have a responsibility to provide for the rest of us, not the other way around.

BGs never should’ve been monetized at all.

Some would call it a “scam” just because they try to maximize profits. You are “scammed” because they want more profit and therefore it’s more expensive for you.

Of course most would disagree to use the word “scam” in such a way but I personally see it that way as well. Everything for sale is a “scam” because it’s immediately inferior the moment it gets offered because of “cost efficiency” required at every step which makes it in general lower quality but still at the highest price possible. At least that’s how I see it. (The solution btw would be to offer everything for free and ask for voluntary donations. And why do you think that’s not happing? That’s right! You can’t “scam” people that way.)

It’s still technically ture though. It’s just that some people take the freedom to withdraw so much from it in the first place and then it’s like “Oh, shoot! We don’t have enough money to pay this and that. What can we do about that?”. I know it’s not really that way at all but that’s basically how it then turns out. In the end at least some of the money is still about “paying the bills”. But yeah, maybe that’s more of a stupid excuse. I can agree.

Where in the world did you get the idea that companies are beholden to the populace?

In the free world, no private company has any responsibility to do anything for anyone. Even if it is publicly traded, there is no obligation. If shareholders disagree with the approach of the business leaders, they may sell their shares. If the consumer doesn’t agree, they can not buy the product or service.

Don’t even try your conservative right-wing rhetoric. The “free market” is a lie to feed the fat cats.

What’s important is that entertainment is a right, not a privilege and these companies exist to provide us with it.

Seems fair to be annoyed when dumb money allows a developer to ruin a game one enjoys.