The server disconnect scam

In the sea of scams that are part of hearthstone, scams like the arena, the dying heroic duels, the heroic battle, and the ranked with variable rng based on how much money you send to blizzard in the form of “dust”, we can include the disconnections coincidentally, just as you are recovering a game that seemed lost, and be careful, I’m not talking about a problem with my internet line because at the same time as the disconnection from the servers and the impossibility of reconnecting, my internet line was a perfectly functioning splinter at 1gb/s and 20ms of latency, so dear Blizzard given the situation, why don’t you at this point send an email to all the free to play players saying “I hate you, crowd the servers without spending a dollar, I now have my bots that can replace you and no one cares notices and you won’t absorb me anymore so not even the server bandwidth”, would be a dignified thing to write and at least once in a thousand TRANSPARENT AND SINCERE.