The new expansion cards so look very fun

There are tons more cards that need to be revealed sofar its looking very fun to me i already so many decks i want to try highlander Shaman, Gepitto contro value with so many clkasses. to name a few i love the flavour sofar minatuarize is like an investment similar to excavate.

I think Gepitto sofar to me seems very interesting both as a combo and value engine looking forward to the next reveals :slight_smile:


I would say… not the new cards are the most important right now for the game… but the rotation… to make a lot of unfair and nonsense mechanics go away finally… and never add them into the game again… learn from mistakes… because these developers made a lot in the last year… thats for sure.

I think they should SKIP a rotation and such and actually spend the resources and time FIXING their BROKEN game.