The flop of Runeterra and the good works of devs in hs

What do you think about legends if runterra flop? Views are pretty low (under 10k on twitch for the first day). If even Riot has failed to create an online card game that can compete with hs (after mtga artifact and gwent), i complete change my mind about team design of hearthstone. Afterall they done a good work to keep alive this game for 6 years. So thank you.


Let us go ahead and add Duelyst, Faeria, Hex and Shadowverse to that list of failed digital CCG’s. Duelyst and Shadowverse showing the most promise of the three I mentioned. Still, all failed miserably.

These failures come from a lack of understanding what actually makes Hearthstone so popular in the first place. It has nothing to do with the graphics, the card design, the free to play model or any of that. Hearthstones secret to success is the speed of play. Hearthstone is fast, where all others are slow.

Nobody likes to spend a half hour or more battling it out just to come up empty-handed, with a loss. That is a complete waste of time and effort every time it happens.

In hearthstone, the average overall gametime is sitting around 7 minutes. Sure, there are longer matches that can take up to a half hour. Yes, it happens from time to time, but such a thing is very rare in Hearthstone.

Where with all the others it is perfectly normal to have a 30 minute match, that is about their average.

The only game that looked like it might have some promise is the MTG Arena game. But it appears that didn’t take off because nobody wants a watered down version of the real thing. Wizards of the West Coast tried… and failed.

So apparently the only way to dethrone Hearthstone is by making a new IP that is just as fast, preferably faster, than Hearthstone is. And that is it. It all comes down to speed of play.

Note: I accurately predicted the death of every single last one of those games based solely on their average game times.

A new CCG absolutely MUST have an average game time of 7 minutes or less. Anything else is failure.

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The game has been officially out for a couple of days. Isn’t it a bit early to call it “a flop”?


Twitch views dont matter at all.
HS is good at its core but sucks in depth. Its easy to learn and looks great. But in depth its just a few decks competing.


totally agree with this. Until you can make a game that’s plays as fast as HS, you’ll never take its players.

I wouldn’t call Shadowverse a “failed” game as I’ve heard it’s the number 1 CCG in Japan, and while it obviously didn’t break any records overseas the game is still healthy enough to get tie ins with some decently popular stuff (One Punch Man, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and various things I’m too lazy to go look up).

I wouldn’t call MTG arena failed either, it’s not as popular as hearthstone for sure but it seems to have a decent palyerbase and is easily the most successful online platform wizards has put out. And if we’re talking about the physical Magic card game that might even outrank hearthstone; people spend some crazy money for that stuff.

I won’t argue that hearthstone’s short gametimes are a draw for many players, especially mobile users as they seem to prefer short games in general. But that’s not to say every top tier CCG must have short games; if we look at physical magic and older yugioh physical formats (2014 HAT format for example) the games times were much longer than hearthstone, but that doesn’t make those games any less popular. It might be a difference of platform with physical CCG players wanting long games, mobile CCG players wanting short games, and desktop CCG players being split somewhere in the middle.

I personally prefer longer games as I don’t see the point of having 10 mana crystals if the game can end by turn 5 before you can even play any higher cost cards. I also prefer games where you can interact on the opponents turn as those games are usually more skill intensive as they require more thought planning and decision making. And I’ll be honest and admit that artwork is a big factor for me as well, despite magic’s popularity I was never able to get that into it because I prefer a more ‘anime’ style of artwork.

Yeah, the speed of play is very important. It causes huge ups and huge downs. And it happens rapidly. It causes the same chemical reactions in the human brain as gambling does, or even drugs.

The overwhelming vast majority of people who play this game are completely oblivious as what is actually going on here with Hearthstone.

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He is looking to a free pack or thinks by smoothies his rig will improve. Or he likes games where the AI hello you win and you don’t have to do more than move the card just given to you onto the battle board.

Every new game is supposed to beat the top dog according to forum complainers.

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I haven’t laughed so hard at something in ages.

Tell that to the people who constantly claim that Hearthstone is dying because Twitch views of HS are declining.

I don’t know whats wrong with these people. Just a tiny fraction of gamers enjoy watching other people play games.


ive seen comparisons to artifact dont know if is true but i read some think its a flop because even a game like artifact got 50k on the first day

my guess is they expect the number to only go down after the first day

Do you often laugh in the face of reality staring you down?

What? You think this game is fast by accident? Son, your brain has been hacked. Activision/Blizzard know exactly what they are doing. They have studied the behavior sciences and are using what they know from that to get into your brain. They have created the most addictive digital CCG there is.

It is no accident that this game has been the fastest game around since its release. They could make cards that make the games a lot longer. But they don’t, they never have and they won’t, because they know exactly what they are doing.

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at least this one is more creative than the other guy who posts random rants on every thread

The problem with comparing all those other games you list to Hearthstone is that those games require some strategy, whereas Hearthstone has almost zero strategy. All the decks are either vomit cards till you win, or stall for your OTK or win more Galakrond.

So the only reason it seems like those other games don’t do well, is because not enough people want to actually have to think while playing a card game. I prefer those others, and I play Hearthstone when I am looking for some mindless time sink.

You have to understand that views don’t matter for games on twitch, especially when a game is new.

IT might be that most people are playing themselfs or doing rl stuff, if a new game has hundreds of views it can still flop and same if a game has few viewers it can become a hit.

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You’re talking to people who will never listen.

The vast majority of players don’t know the kind of psychology that goes in to making games, or how much developers study ways to get in your head.

They don’t understand that the speed of matches, the flashy lights and sounds that play when you open a card pack… even the simple fact that when you open a card pack, the cards show up with their backs facing you at first…

They have no idea and are incapable of understanding that all of these things are designed to make you play more and buy more card packs. It’s the same in Overwatch. You open a loot box, it gives you shiny happy sounds and makes you excited and your brain gives you a shot of dopamine and oxytocin. The same design principal goes into casino slot machines.

The vast majority of them do not understand this, and the rest of them are in denial. People don’t like to think about how easily manipulated they are by things like advertising and bells ringing when they open a card pack.

Because they are too good to be manipulated that way. Advertising doesn’t work on them. These slot-machine like mechanics inherent in games like HS and OW don’t work on them, they are wayyyyyy too smart for that! (sarcasm, in case you can’t tell)

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Yep, no strategy at all. We just throw random cards in our decks and play any old card, on any turn and in any order, and we either win or lose, all is predetermined…


If you want to win in this game you have to create a deck with a specific purpose in mind. Then you have to play the deck well to accomplish your goal. Meanwhile, your opponent is using their own strategy to disrupt your strategy. This game is heavy on strategy.

And just in case you didn’t know…

a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.

Which is basically what I described above.

Jesus Metal, you keep going over and over and over again on this arguement of “velocity” I literally finish all my games in LoR on turn 6 playing Elusive Decks and even with others the game averages a total of 8-10 minutes where YOU are actually playing the game.

Your talking about strategy? LOL, listen I’m a Legend player I grinded every top tier deck. Exploited it, watched a lot of hours on streams including J Alexander, Tyler, Jarla, Nohands, Orange, Boar and if “strategy” or “skill” was that relative they wouldn’t stand at win rates of 50-57% like any average player.

There is “no strategy” once you reach high level, it’s all about who draws their top cards first and curves out the best/pushes tempo in mirror. It has nothing to do with skill, you can only PRAY that the opponent didn’t draw that specific card that will immediatly dismantle you.

I know ur response will be something like “That’s why u predict the worst outcome from the opponent” yea right, you can predict it all you want. If he has a Zephyrs/Gala/Pushed tempo from turn1 in mirrors it won’t matter how much knowledge or skill you have since you DON’T start the game with the 30 cards in your hand baiting the opponent (or comparing it to LoR), you can’t actually REACT to the plays until the turn is over.

Stop being BIAS for once.

EDIT: The strongest VARIABLE to dominate the game/ladder isn’t skill or strategy, it’s TIME. The more time u invest the more you will climb, slowly, painfully and so on. Stop being delusional dude.

EDIT2: The only thing that carries this game is Battlegrounds and Kripp, 20k viewers and 15k are watching that plebish mode that wasn’t even the concept Heartstone started with. I wonder why? How long do Battlegrounds take time wise? Tst tst tst.