The ability to remove "mobile" players

I am well aware what “little regard for yours” means, as it isnt a civil way of saying you disagree or have doubts. It is a pejorative version of the civil version. Euphemism, absolutely, but not any type of polite way to say one doesnt agree with another. Whether it was your intent or not that is still the effect and connotation of that phrase. To reference another polite and pejorative way of saying the same things, would be the difference between saying “no” and saying “**** no”. Or euphemistically, “when pigs fly”. All communicate a negative response but there are distinctions, same with using the phrase “little regard for you/yours’”

Again, intent isnt relevant to the connotation of the phrase. I am not offended, but I can still call something rude when it wasnt necessary to be so.

Oh look out. The “precious” version of the thought police have arrived. I will be polite and suggest that it is past your bedtime and mommy wants you to go to bed now.

I reckon you know what the pejorative version of that is.

Trigger warning: language in the clip

What you and Fletcher here both mean is not politeness but the threat of abuse.

Is this forum full of “thought police”. I’m an Australian. We say what we mean without subtext except when I really want to say will get me kicked. We are not a nation of the corrupt, like the USA.

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Look, I’m not saying that there aren’t any cultural differences between Australia and USA, but here are two things EVERY nation has in common:

  1. Most of the people are good people and not corrupt
  2. The people in charge have power and power corrupts

Point is this: it wasn’t rude to say that you have little regard for someone’s opinion. At that point in time it was a ridiculous thing for Cramer to say. But then after that you decided to get rude. That’s unnecessary because I don’t think that Cramer was trying to be rude to you. I think it was an accident because he was being stupid.

OK, I am old and grumpy. Consequently I suffer fools very badly. Now you see, that was rude!!

Suggesting that I don’t care for someone’s comment (though I would probably fight for their right to say it) wasn’t as you say, rude. The fact that he proceeded to “double down” with further twaddle really annoyed he. AFAIAC, he brought it on himself, but how I replied was neither abuse or a threat of abuse.

Please do not put words in my mouth. I am still trying to process your reasons for interjecting yourself. Is he your “boyfriend”?

No, but I feel like Cramer is overly harassed by many around here. Maybe I’m a bit overprotective.

He was the instigator here though

I am new here so am without history but based on his comments to me it is probable the harrassment is justified.

Harassment is NEVER justified.

I dont think you ever see players freeze mid turn unless there is a network dropout.

you dont actually see my plays you see a replay of them. I am unsure how much reality is shown in the selecting cards mechanic. ie I mostly decide to play a card choose it and play it. where as the replay shows a player selecting random cards and dithering for 20 seconds. Pretty sure the dithering is just the game giving you something to look at.

Oh and op, sure as long as I can exclude pc players who may be running mods showing the best guess for what deck I am playing, what cards I have played and a likely list of the cards I can still play based of the deck it thinks I am playing.

as a mobile player I generally avoid decks like miracle rogue or high bpm? bg tribes like pirate.

Such an attitude. I have no problem with you or anybody else playing HS on a pad or a mobile phone, as long as you aren’t wasting my time and that goes for anybody who takes 45 seconds to count to 1. If it were down to me nobody would have more than 20 seconds per turn for the first 5 turns and only 40 seconds for the rest. Maybe then you will remove your finger from where it does not belong. As that will never happen, I don’t see why you are offended but if you want to be a carpenter’s implement, I imagine you will continue to be one, no matter what I have to say about it.

I am a mobile player and I take offense to anyone that tries to dictate what I do with my allotted turn time.

If this game isn’t fast enough for you, find a game that is. It’s not that hard.

Pull your head in, Starbust. Roping consistently throughout a game is cheating.

No, it isn’t. I am allowed to use my time as I see fit.

No, it’s not, it’s legit, which is precisely why when you see someone not hover over any cards but simply play them throughout the whole game, you can be sure it’s a bot.

Go check it out in the Adventures. Those are bots, too