The ability to remove "mobile" players

There should be an ability to individually exclude people on mobile phones and tablets from player choices. I get that Blizzard wants everyone to be able to play on whatever device they choose, but I am sick and tired of staring into space, waiting up to 15 minutes per game while these players make their moves because of inadequate wi-fi. They take forever and won’t concede even when they know that they are taking way to long. Of all the things in Hearthstone that annoy me, waiting while my opponent ropes on every turn including the first one is top of the list. There is already to much time allotted for early turns as it is. The time allowed should be halved for the first 5 turns.

Not gonna happen. Learn patience. Do something at the same time as playing such as watch youtube in the background or picture in picture if you must stimulate your neurons in order to distract them from your lack of patience. I personally repair stuff while Im waiting between turns, sometimes that means Im sewing up holes or patches in a coat/shirt/pants or like today I was repairing my rainboots which involved a small amount of sewing, some strategic use of high quality black duct tape, waterproof caulk sealant, and black paint. Only took two Duels matches to get to the “wait for the sealant to dry” phase, then 1 BGs match before they were dry enough to be painted black. Now Im rocking perfectly waterproof again rainboots. Cost me about $10 in materials and about 45 mins of time I spent playing the game I was already going to be playing. Time well spent in my book.


Lol OP thinks that bots are mobile players

I can tell the difference. I can see when players are having difficulty with their controls and when a bot does nothing at all until the rope is about to burn out. I, unlike some who make observations through their fundamental orifice, am not a fool.

You just assumed that nearly everyone who roped you is a mobile player. I don’t think it’s fair to call you a fool over a single comment but the opening post IS foolish

Yes well, I have already stated what I thought about your comment. You are doing nothing to change that summation.

you do know pc ,laptops … pads use wifi too right ?

Of course, but usually in a fixed position from a reliable link.

I think it would be more useful to have a button to report blizzards to the authorities to start an investigation into the algorithms present on hearthstone

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Any rigging they do in their game is completly legal, since they don’t officially claim otherwise. People may assume that nothing is being manipulated, but there is no official statement to the fact.

Have you never used a phone in a moving vehicle?

Not playing Hearthstone and that would be illegal in my country, anyway.

I hate that I need to say this but I didnt mean as the driver. As a passenger it cannot be illegal to use a mobile phone even in your country unless you live where mobile phones are just illegal, full stop. (I cannot think of anywhere other than perhaps NK [in which case i dont think you could even be on this forum] or maybe Dutch Pennsylvania [Amish land, punishable by shunning, as well as shouldnt be able to be here either, lol] ). I hear both of them havent paid their phone bills in 300 years. //Weird Al

Sorry, if I am in a car, I am the driver. Didn’t consider the alternative. :smiley:

Those are bots. Bots use timers and stuff and some are run on huge bot farms. Big money in this.

They aren’t all bots. Bots don’t fumble around with the controls trying to get a card into the field or freeze mid turn.

Robots dont freeze up or have errors or glitches? Abnormal Behavior? I think there are many a people that have needed to use Ctrl + Alt + Del or the long Press Power Cycle button press method that’d like to have an objection to that position you are taking about bots. Even Data from Star Trek TNG wasnt immune from such eventualities. Mark Zuckerberg also has been known for his programming showing its flaws and bugs under scrutiny.

It is also worth noting that a good bot programmer would have an incentive to create their bot behavior to pass a Turing test where players like yourself are the test subject. I know given the option to either rope every turn to maximize your frustration at them as well as give the commands of every turn to not always be ideal or appear to “forget” to do something that turn such as play a useful battlecry out of order, or not use a hero power even tho the mana is there and a straight to face opportunity is too. Given the options Id go with both. lol. Maximize your emotional stability being affected and make you unable to accept that anyone would make a bot so badly. All in the service of the maximum subterfuge and success rate. Just some other thoughts to consider as off the beaten path possibilities.

I stand by my previous comment and have little regard for yours.

Understood, you choose to be rude. Thats one option to go with. I wouldnt have picked it but hey, you and I are not the same nor think the same, clearly. I remain open to the idea that there is more than only one conclusion to a given set details about a match. I even specified the alternatives I came up with as unlikely yet still just as viable as any other solution put forth. I know there is the possibility of an error in judgement can be made, by anyone, including myself.

But unlike you I can put into words in a civil way that doesnt come off as rude or appear to be coming from a POV of disdain/ superiority. I dont want to portray myself as thinking I am any better than you, or that I think less of your conclusions compared to mine. I dont make such judgements typically. I merely offered the possibility of other answers that while unlikely are just as perfectly valid. Whether or not what I bring up is correct or not was never the point. Just bringing us back to the old “what is the answer to the square route of 4? 2, as well as negative 2.” Either are perfectly acceptable answers is all my suggestion was bringing up.

How was it rude? I evaluated your comment and found it wanting. Would it have been rude to simply not respond and leave you feeling ignored. If you felt insulted, then you are over-sensitive, perhaps because you realise that your premise was on shaky ground to begin with. If you find this response rude, I suggest you just keep your viewpoint to yourself to save your shattered feelings.

Perhaps you should change your name to Precious-1728.