Thanks so much this wonderful 10yr Anniversary:)

I’ve been hearing that for 2 years. And I’ve been hearing it for Activision too, for years.

Yeah, thats exactly what I think. Blizzard isnt micromanaged by its parent company umbrella. It is its own entity with its own directors, management, teams, etc. Activision has their own as well. Im not saying they dont or havent collaborated. However I fail to see anything in Hearthstone that is activision IP or references to allusions or straight up obvious genetics from Activision. You attribute everything one company does to another that happens to own it. Do you do the same for Comedy Central/Viacom? How about everything Tom Hanks’ sons do? DO you attribute their actions as grown adults yet still the children of Tom Hanks, to the parent? Or is it possible that the people, companies, can do their own actions without any relevance to who their parents/parent companies are?

I do. I dont hold Taco Bell responsible for what KFC or Pizza Hut do. Even if they are all owned by the same entity.

The only things done initially were a questionable influence on the federal workplace harassment suit, the timing of which happened really close to the buyout. Then a lot of the usual “focus on diversity, inclusion, etc.” which isn’t bad…but WAS bad is that there was NO mention of quality control, promise of better customer experience, or anything like that.

More recently, they started cleaning house at actiblizz but a majority of it seems to be redundant jobs. Though since most of them were on the actiblizz side, it will probably be a net positive for us. Hopefully.

Aside from the straight line comparison one can see that in the nose dive in quality once it became actiblizz.

No one would know they exist if not for him, same for every other nepo baby.

Corporate policy set at the yum brands level does filter down to all three. Pretending it doesn’t shows a woeful lack of knowledge of how business works.

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So you hold Taco Bell responsible for when KFC gave us the breadless Chicken Sandwich where the bread was replaced with 2 chicken patty things? That’s Taco Bell’s fault according to your thinking?

didn’t read the post. Again. For someone who complains about this exact issue, you seem to do it an awful lot.

Your inability to acknowledge a point being made is truly dizzying. I wish I could be so intellectually “honest” with my posts like you are with yours.

Projection, the post. I could acknowledge your completely irrelevant and non sequitur “point” but I fail to see the point in doing so.

Oh, right…like when you go all in on the trolling and harassment and stoop to insulting someone’s username for years. I forget, which of us does that again? Oh wait, that’s you.

If you want your points addressed, perhaps make them relevant to the discussion, instead of random nonsense.

Like when someone points out:

then you might discuss something thoughtful along those lines, instead of going off the deep end about a chicken sandwich strawman.

Again, you complain so much about this very issue (not actually reading the post, and going off on some random tangent)…that you can’t see your own shortcomings here is truly min boggling.

And all to distract from the mediocre (and that’s an insult to all things mediocre) anniversary event.

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i am so lonely
hope you two are having fun arguing since you’re not having fun playing hearthstone i guess

Not sure I can help with that. Except send happy thoughts.

It would be more fun if they put more effort into the ten year event. Event the wow devs, whom I frequently use as a benchmark for “low effort, don’t emulate” managed to do more for wow’s ten year than hearthstone did.