Tavern brawl sucks

I’m so sick of tavern brawl. Played 6 games tonight just to get 1 pack of cards I really don’t need other than for their dust value and cannot win a match. Why? Not because I suck, but because all 6 matches in this week’s tavern brawl has given my opponent superior cards to what I got. Tavern brawl is stupid. No skill involved, just get lucky same as it seems to be 90% of the time.


If you don’t have fun playing coinflip brawls, don’t play them.

Some of us do.

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Here’s my coin flip brawl story of the week

Me vs rogue

Me went double discount and dropped a lich king
Rogue discount x1 and just happen to have Flik. There goes all my 2 mana lich kings. Thought I’ll lose right?
But wait! The one card Lich King gave me: army of the dead. In a brawl where your whole deck is legendary minions.

I got my pack.

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Most TBrawls are terrible but Cloneball is one of the worst.


A game usually lasts 8 turns or less, I don’t think it’s that terrible to win 1 game after 6.

I conceded the first one because I had 4 useless legendary (high cost, bad stats, useless effect).

The second one I got Alabaster and the DH leg that copy the right/left cards in hand. EZ win, bye bye brawl, see you next week

Had a pretty yikes game: Shu’ma (terrible this brawl), Icehowl (going face is the name of the game this brawl, and Icehowl hits the field too late to control the board anyway), and other than that only 10 mana minions (Deathrattle Deathwing which hits the board way too late, regular Rafaam which gives 10-mana Spells which you will never reach, and regular N’Zoth which can revive Deathwing but you’d never reach that point).

couldn’t agree more, this brawl is truly awful, decks with malicia and 0 soul frag vs decks with vargoth wtf

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A lot of it has to do with choosing the correct class. If you don’t want a free pack then don’t play it.

They are designed to be a toss up game and not always “design an OP deck with your cards” type matchups. I personally enjoy random deck brawls because i don’t go around collecting every card in the game so they make it easier to win a free pack of cards for newbies or people that only play one hero class.

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Cloneball desperately needs some balance in terms of a crap-to-good ratio. First match I received Moroes, Sergeant Sally, Shu’ma, and some other piece of garbage. Dead by turn 4. Second match the other player conceded… so that was that. Won and done.