Sure am glad this game ends by turn 7

No that’s literally exactly what it means.

You’re asking people to disprove your insanely stupid theory, and then you’re literally saying that evidence doesn’t matter to you, that I could demonstrate infinite randomness in the data but you would with your bs gnostic vision say that you know that the appearance is a lie and it’s actually rigged. You make your beliefs unfalsifiable, and the moment you do that your beliefs stop being science and start being religion.


In your opinion. If I’m right, your theory is “insanely stupid”.

I’m still waiting for this evidence.

Your belief is that the game is random. It’s no science, it’s rather religion.

Again, if you play 100 games, 50 of them are rigged against you and 50 of them are rigged against your opponent, then you played 100 rigged games even if the outcome suggests otherwise.

No, I actually listen to data, you do not.

I’ve already told you how this is epistemologically invalid, but… Why would this even matter?

Like let’s say that you’re not actually in random, but you’re in some kind of The Matrix where Blizzard controls every little detail. If it looks like random, sounds like random, feels like random, smells like random and tastes like random, then as a gamer looking for gaming experiences, what do you care if it is or isn’t random?

We know from the data that the outcome of millions of games aligns with what the outcome would be if it was a random process, with 95+% accuracy. So even if every one of those games was in fact a predetermined outcome by some troll in Blizzard’s basement, why should anyone care? It has the texture of random. If they’re rigging the game towards a “randomness simulator” then that’s the same thing as randomness in terms of customer experience.

I can’t prove that your God doesn’t exist, but I can prove that he doesn’t do anything.

Prove it please.


Arguments presented without proof can be rejected without proof.

Game is random, and you may wanna look up what an algorithm is.

Thanks for presenting an argument without proof. We can reject it.

I see you have learned well under your debate teacher, the legendary Pee Wee Herman. Real mastery of the style.

As a matter of fact, I took a course at MontyPython’s Argument Clinic.

No, I’m quite certain you didn’t.

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Yes, I did. The 5-minute-course in the right room.

You did not. I was sitting right there, I think I’d remember your face.

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Yes I did. You’ve just admitted remembering my face.

I did no such thing. Also, I’m afraid that this particular joke is getting old.

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Could you please prove it now?

I’m sorry, time is up.

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Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

  • when shady practices occur evidence is often intentionally hidden, and information provided falsified.

Is Hearthstone rigged? Can’t say with certainty.
Could it be rigged? Most certainly. (tiny example would a zephyrus like effect)

Is there incentive for Hearthstone to manipulate its rng outcomes? Can’t say with certainty, but
-In other multiplayer online games that include in game transactions there have been profit increasing manipulation of rng elements (such as matchmaking) divulged.

Inconclusion, is hearthstone rigged… well
they could
and the industry has shown a financial incentive to do so,
but other than money… why would they? You act like they’re some kind of profit seeking business or something. Anyways

Good Luck to All and remember
If you need a government official to tell you somethings true, there’s a yellow card system for you.

The game is blatantly RIGGED, everything is manipulated.
Matchmaking, starting hand, mulligan, card draw, discovery options, “rng” effects are decided by the algorithm.

I can understand that many players need the illusion, that the game is “random” and “skill” is an important factor in Hearthstone. Unfortunately, it’s not the case (anymore).

Anyway, this is my last post here.
This forum is just wasting of time. :slightly_smiling_face:

Farewell to everyone who recognized that the game is rigged. :vulcan_salute:

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