Sure am glad this game ends by turn 7

Nothing like having 30 cards in my deck only to use 10 every game. Rush this rush that. Glad to have a stategy game be something i have to find cards to survive the 5 first turns. Can’t use any of your 6 plus nutral cards because they all are too slow. Must be nice to make all these new cards and have nobody use any of them. Take reno out and see where the meta goes. Stop these overpowered cards that define games.


Hearthstone doesn’t need strategy and thinking anymore. The algorithm gives you and your opponent cards and decides from the very beginning who will win the game at turn 6. You can watch top legend streamers who just concede on turn 4 because the game is obviously over and there is nothing they can do. If you get trash mulligan and trash draw from the algorithm it’s over.


This is a fundemental flaw of the hearthstone it was always like this. if you draw bad at early game you can do nothing.

Did you ever draw backward curve consequently for 5 games I did. and the funny thing is that there is only like 4 cards that is more than 6 mana in the deck yet you get them no matter what. That was so frustrating made me quit the game for a year.

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…well it is a card game

I know it is a card game but what I mean is you are limited to play cards at early game that puts much more importance to card draw and luck what I mean is hearthstone is curve stone.

Lol no, Hearthstone is a card game. Card games have good and bad luck draws. Hearthstone has actually less of this because of giving you choices with discovery, custom crafting, etc.

If you start from the assumption that card draw and discovery are “random” in Hearthstone, your conclusion is right. Unfortunately, this game is rigged as hell.

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Please present your evidence of this with data from sufficient sample size to back up your conclusion.

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  1. Your starting hand is not your decision, you get it from the algorithm.
  2. You can throw unwanted cards away, but the replacement (mulligan) is not your decision either, you get it from the algorithm.
  3. Which card you draw next is decided by the algorithm as well.

If you really think that your starting hand, your mulligan and your card draw is your decision, you are beyond help.


No. The cards you get in your starting hand are random. If you have a statistically relevant pool of data that suggests otherwise, please feel free to share it.

No. The cards returned to your hand after the mulligan are random. If you have a statistically relevant pool of data that suggests otherwise, please feel free to share it.

No. The card you draw next is random with a handful of completely overt exceptions, such as Dredge. If you have a statistically relevant pool of data that suggests otherwise, please feel free to share it.

No. They are random. However, If you really think they are not random, please feel free to share a statistically relevant pool of data to support that claim.


Can you prove it? How do you know it’s not rigged?

Can you prove it? How do you know it’s not rigged?

Can you prove it? How do you know it’s not rigged?


Oh… you’re one of those guys. The burden of proof is on you to support your claim that the game is rigged by providing proper evidence.


The burden of proof is on you to support your claim that the game is random. :wink:
Since you can’t prove it, this discussion is futile.

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You are incorrect.


What a sophisticated reply. :clap:

You claim, that the game is random. Prove it, if you can.
If you can’t, how can you be so sure, that it’s not rigged?

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You have claimed that card draw is rigged. I reject that claim without evidence. With the myriad of these claims that have been presented year after year, not one of them has produced any data to support that claim. VS, HSReplay, d0nkey, etc. have millions of games worth of data and they have seen no indication of the rigged draws you are suggesting. With that, I will stick with how the game is presented by the designers, i.e. card draw is random. You, on the other hand, are making a claim based entirely on emotion.


You have claimed that card draw is random. I reject that claim presented year after year without evidence. You are making a claim based entirely on assumption/belief.

As I said before, if you can’t prove that the game is random, this discussion is futile.

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I am accepting that the card draw is random in the face of no evidence that it’s rigged. You are wrong. And I think you know you’re wrong. But you need to construct this fantasy to allow you to doubt that your own failings in the game are not your own fault. Good luck. I’m done with your argumentum ad ignorantiam.


Without evidence? It’s your problem.

Very sophisticated.

Fantasy in your opinion. If the game is rigged, there is no fantasy at all.

What failings?

I’m done with your argumentum ad ignorantiam too because this discussion is futile, as I said before.

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The default position is that it’s as random as they can code it to be. There’s no reason to believe it is rigged. There’s no evidence for that. 10 years of Hearthstone and not a single experienced programmer or former dev has ever hinted at the possibility of an algorithm that somehow “rigs” games by ordering the draw.

You made the claim it was “rigged”. You must back this up with evidence to support it. Otherwise, it’s way more likely that card draw order is as random as can be coded.

You’re trying to reverse the burden of proof. If I looked at a painting and told you “the artist drew it with his foot”… and you responded with “you don’t have evidence he did that, he most likely drew it with his hand”… it would NOT be logical for me to then tell you that you have no evidence that he drew it with his hand.

YOU made the outrageous claim that there’s an algorithm that rigs games. You can’t create an outlandish theory with no evidence and then tell someone they’re not justified in their stance because they can’t prove the opposite.

I recommend a logic and philosophy course at your local community college.