Suggestions How to counter Astalor after a warrior Brann

Hi, like the title suggest, I want some idea about how to counter the multiples astalor that can be generated over a previously Brann played (the new 6 cost for warrior).

A good exemple could be the Jailor that will divided by 2 the damages (well, unfortunately it’s unplayable because of a little downside lol).

If possible I want a solution that can be put in all classes.
(Whirlpool my beloved, you are sadly not in my actual Druid deck)

snake oil

and any other card that will shuffle cards into the opponent’s deck.

Good idea but doesn’t matter since the match making is controlled… if you put in snake oil, then the game won’t give you Highlander opponent when it wants you to lose… the game became real trash… There is no way to win if the MM wants you to lose because the game is full of controlled mechanics and randomity… there is no real way to avoid it… time to nerf and stop creating these mindless unfair mechaincs… More and more of my friends are stop playing this game who were Legend… can’t reach D5 again… Seems like Blizzard entertainment wants to stop entertaining us… they chosed to make us frustrated and lose more and more players instead… Can’t win by skills anymore in this game because everything is controlled by RNG… the game is dead for real players…


I have survived 4 Astalors with a very unrefined deck that I have delete because it was a useless deck. It was a highlander hunter deck, which had the goal of summoning lots of copies of the deathrattle minion which summons more deathrattles. It would keep a wide board to reduce the damage. I also did get a little lucky, by obtain the paladin highlander beast which gives a permanent copy minion from your deck each turn.

Exactly. If you make a specific deck to defeat something, you will never encounter that again, and you will have a bunch of useless cards in your deck.
Mad because the AI keeps putting you up against rogue with magick weapon? So you make a deck filled with weapon stealers and smashers…guess what, you will never see another rogue with magick weapon.
Mad because you get put up against rogue pirates every game? So you make a deck specifically to defeat rogue pirates. Guess what… the AI is now going to put you up against some giant build over and over. lol.

Simple adjustment. Astalor can only target minions. Done. Implement prior to the current expansions release.

Blizzard solution: Do nothing.