Suggestion for Friendly Duels?

I had an idea (feel free to steal by the way, I’d love it if you did lol), for people who are playing with others new to the game, wouldn’t it be cool to have an option in friendly duels to not have a rope timer?

You can select “timer” on and off and when you select it, it sends an option similar to when requesting to borrow decks if you, too, would like to set the duel without a timer.

This way, whoever you’re playing with can take their time while playing! They can read over the cards, get an idea of what kind of plays they have available to them and actually have the chance to learn the game a little bit without feeling so pressured!

Of course, as a friendly duel, the whole idea to it is consented to by both people, since, if it wasn’t… why are they even friends? :joy::joy:

Idk. Uhmm… just seems like a good idea to me?
I think it would be really cool.
Again, if you (moderators) think this is a good idea, I am perfectly okay with you STEALING this and just kinda rolling with it.

Don’t want no credit, just a big fan of the game.

Peace and love, me. :sparkling_heart:


I agree.
I think it is a good idea. Even if I didn’t play against a “beginner friend”.

Even better: Just add a hook to dungeon runs (which already dont have timers) where the mentor/trainer/etc takes the role of the “boss” and (yes, I know Blizz hates this so itll never happen) Can actually TALK to the opponent. Less coding work this way id think.

This would make lorewalker cho playable! (in this mode at least :joy: )