Stop the rogue gutting

Might I just say every time rogue gets good people complain till the class is slumped. Bladefury than it is was leeching poison than it was preperation now they talking about taking Edwin out of the game… PLEASE REALIZE whirlwind master rotates in April and don’t HOF Edwin he is high risk and once deathrattles come back he will be garbage to people actually running silence again. DON’T HOF please. (I didn’t mention Leroy even though it was the best in otk rogue in the beginning . The HOF hurt us all but he was toxic. Although the 4 cost 2 5 cost was because of rogue. just sayin)

Don’t worry. Edwin isn’t being HOFed. In fact, it sounds like HOF is going away entirely.

Then again, he also won’t be legal in standard.

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So pretty much HOF’d. Hahaha


Yeah, but it means a ton of cards will be “HOFed” but without the dust reimbursement.

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I feel sad I stumbled onto whirlkick rogue so late. It is by far one of the most fun rogue decks I’ve ever played, from a rogue main

It checks every box, unlike almost any other deck in the game. It can play fast and aggressive when it needs to, or it can do slow value plays when it needs to. It can win with minion damage or spells. It is extremely versatile and flexible with it’s discovers. It also requires a LOT of careful planning and thought, by far the most challenging deck to play that I have at my disposal (I cannot afford any control decks atm). This makes it feel super rewarding when it wins

I like everything about the deck. I am definitely going to miss it

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sadly it wasn’t good till they gave us that damn fox and swindle.

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