Stop matching me up vs people that have cards I don't have!

STOP MATCHING ME UP WITH PLAYERS THAT HAVE LEGEND CARDS THAT I DON’T HAVE!!! If I don’t have ceaseless expanse, I should NEVER see it played against me.

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That’s not P2W enough.


Equal rights for everyone! So they couldn’t be matched against opponents who DON’T have THEIR LEGENDARY cards. This means both sides would have to have exactly the same legendary cards. How long it will take to find a suitable opponent…


Yeah it does sound very dumb, if you put it that way.


Yes please :grin:

I just dust every card of my bad Matchup Decks and hit high Legend eeeeasy :+1:



Stop matching you against ppl, who has cards you don’t have? Lol… so you want only mirror matches? Good Luck! :smiley:


So if you are a new player you should only be matched against players with basic starter decks?

Yeah thats a stupid idea. Its a deckbuilder game, ofcourse you are going to be matched against people with cards you dont have. Otherwise you would not get any match at all.

Do you have any idea how this could be used to rig matches and ranked? I only play shaman and pretty much disenchant other classes their cards. Should i only be matched against other shamans?

If i deal with some new meta, if i simply disenchant the cards of that meta i would be safe from everyone running that deck.

If you dont like a multiplayer deck building game then go do the solo adventures

Meaning the more legend cards the longer the wait time? That is fine with me. Although I’m fine with facing opponents that have legendary cards I don’t have, as long as they aren’t playing it in the deck at the time against me. You seem to have missed reading between the lines.

How about you buy some packs and quit crying? LMAO

Or you get a LOT more mirror matchups and suddenly your easy climb isn’t so easy.

I specifically said LEGEND cards. Only reason to fear mirror matches is if you have to play by dusting all but one class, and they can give an opt out button for those people. No problem here.

Yes that would be great. You think noobs enjoy being crushed by the latest and greatest legend cards? The only consideration is if there aren’t enough new players.

I specifically said LEGEND cards. And what you said is blatantly false. At the very least you would get mirror matches, because what is in their collection but not in their deck at the time of being matched against you is irrelevant.

Only reason to fear mirror matches is if you have to play by dusting all but one class, and they can give an opt out button for those people. No problem here.

Again, LEGEND cards! Dusting everything would not guarantee you success and defeats the whole purpose of a collectible card game with new expansions all the time.
If you don’t like a multi-class card game, then go play solo adventures.

Right after you stop kissing Blizzard’s backside and give me unlimited gold or cash to buy all the packs I want.

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Just because a card is legendary doesn’t mean it’s unstoppable, sure they can be powerful, but simple cards can take them out easy. Ohno someone dropped a titan. Poison minion , destroy minion spell/ability, steal it, hex/sheep, etc.

But what I’m seeing here is someone who doesn’t want to put effort in to plan for a scenario like that.


Some common cards are better than legendary cards (e.g. pre-nerf Oracle), and some legendary cards are usually worse than various common cards you could replace them with.

The usual reason they make legendary cards is for monetary reasons (they need more dust) or because they must be 1X because they’re OP or for random flavor.

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i dust legendary cards all the time. So its the same thing. If i dusted every single mage and rogue legendary because i hate those classes. Then it would be pure insanity if i wouldnt be facing any rogue or mage using any legendary wich isnt in the basic set.

You would absolutely be able to rig your match ups.

Alot of people use lorthemar theron to double their minions stats in their deck. If i simply dust that i would suddenly stop seeing alot of people being matched up against me

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huh, no, get a job and pay for them lmao

Random card games don’t work that way. I would never reward Blizzard for their terrible game design by buying a ton of packs just so I can have the latest legend cards. Get a clue expletive.

Because a 15/15 that clears the board for zero mana is totally reasonable if you don’t have the same card to respond to a large board plus the 15/15. Do you even listen to yourself?

Nobody plays those

Ridiculous assumption. I play hex in shaman all the time, not to mention board clears and removal. I have Bob which can also be used as removal.

Then use that removal for when they play Ceaseless? If you ran out of removal then other threats they played earlier are your problem

you assume that Blizzard can read decks and make algorithm’s about them, which they can’t, definitely they can’t, it would rig things up, which they don’t, definitely don’t, ups I guess I opened another pandora’s box.

Stop impersonating me with new accounts