Still IMBALANCED, broken cards

Rogue could use one or two more draw cards, beside that it’s doing allright. It’s just not as powerfull as when secret passage was there to save your booty.

The buff to gnoll has been paying of for me a lot. Burgle Rogue is pretty darn strong if piloted correctly.

And yes, the swordfish weapon is pretty strong. 3 mana 12 damage is nothing to sneeze at. The support around it just ain’t good enough to make it into the higher tiers IMO

Someone is up for a surprise next vs report lmao.

Is there a deck that I missed? Haven’t seen any decent pirate Rogues lately.

Thief Rogue is borderline tier 1 right now , at worst it will settle on tier 2 .
The class is one of the top players right now , turns out nerfing its worst matchups on top of buffs is more than enouth.

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I thought you were talking about the swordfish.
I pointed out in my comment that burgle Rogue seems strong indeed. I have yet to face a match up that makes me feel like I can’t win.

I felt the same way, 10 mins after patch I faced a Rogue who got super lucky and played Dredge Finley , got his two Gnolls and had a t1 9/13 over 3 bodies. Fun times

The friend talked about several broken cards but it’s not even half of it yet, there are already several expansions that the power creep of the cards is way above healthy, the best thing to do is stop playing this sh1t, this game is now much more stress than fun!!!

“ROGUE MAIN” players are addicted to the hyper cycle and high consistency it brings. Make them suffer through bad draws like most classes and they go crazy!