Steam Cleaner Due to Rotate Out

Will the new rotation include a counter to plagues?

  • Brim

I think there’s a good chance Steam Cleaner is part of Core next year given that plagues and Highlander decks should both be around for another year. That said, I hate the card, it ruins a lot of good fun memes like the new Shaman excavate card

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I propose a definitive ban to players who play DK plague, they touch the opponent’s deck without the opponent’s agreement (the opposing deck is not our deck so we must not touch it).

Touching the opponent’s hand/deck/card is a cheating mechanic and cheaters must be banned.

I think you must misunderstand the rules of this game if you think plagues are cheating in any way

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No. That’s not how it works.

The golden rule of ALL collectible card games:
Whatever it says on a card overrides anything in the rulebook.

Doing what it says on the card is NOT cheating. Ever.

That works for me. I don’t like it when a game requires tech, because it reduces the game to hearthstone/paper/scissors. But it happens. For that reason, tech options should be in the core set - it allows a scissors deck to run a copy of rock and/or paper, and then of course, they just need to draw it.

TBH, since ETC has become a thing, its a lot easier to run tech that it used to be, and Tradeable cards also help. Hopefully ETC will also become Core when FoL rotates.

Ive been using Tony as an answer to plagues, specifically in my Relic DH deck that consistently gets to near 0 cards in deck.

They’ll probably rotate Steam Cleaner into Core

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Funny thing is, the whole world is constructed as a Rock/paper/scissors.
Intuitively, that means having such a game brings it closer to the complexities of life, which should be good for a game.

But then again, if you play a game to escape life, then maybe not :smiley:

But yeah, rock/paper/scissors is like an atom - it comprises everything in nature.

Water beats fire. Fire beats grass. Grass beats Water.

Aggro beats control. Control beats tempo. Tempo beats aggro.

Emotions beat experience (as it adds on to it and changes it). Experience beats congition (because it includes emotions). Cognition beats emotions (because it changes it).

It’s just the way everything is and should be. It’s what causes the cosmic need for balance, which causes movement in general, which causes dynamics in a system. Without it, there’s nothing.


Except that control decks must win against mentally handicapped decks (aggro).

OK then aggro beats tempo, tempo beats control and control beats aggro xD

The point stays the same :smiley:

Except that this is not the case on Hearthstone trash since deck aggro beats control.

Well that’s how it’s supposed to work. Control decks can control the tempo. Aggro decks don’t give you that chance. It’s a miracle if you survive until you gain control and once you do, you managed to win.

So original version stays. Aggro beats control, control beats tempo and tempo beats aggro.

Ofc it’s a little bit dumbed down, there’s more archetypes, I guess. Midrange and Mill decks, for example. But it’s just nuance, at this point, cuz you can make a point that mill decks are control decks and midrange decks are tempo decks.

Go play another tcg, control beats aggro you only have on hearthstone trash that aggro beats control, aggro beats same tempo and also against combo. hearthstone is aggro > all deck types.

Hearthstone is an insult to the TCG and a shame in the world of video games.

I disagree. In fact, I can now assume your top rank because of what you just said xD

Nothing beats a good control deck in Hearthstone. Take a look at top 100 legend when streamers play, or better yet watch some tournament play, and tell me if you see many aggro decks? You don’t, because aggro decks aren’t that strong.

They capitalize on two things:

  1. opponents making mistakes cuz they suck, and
  2. they are much faster to grind with as both wins and losses happen 2x or 3x faster than if you play other decks.

So yeah, aggro decks are the best decks to grind to legend with, but then you better swap to a well-rounded control deck (with 1-2 tech cards aimed at the most frequent opponent classes)

Link me a control deck, war odyn is an aggro deck disguised as control (it’s an aggro deck that has all the tools to go for full face).

It’s a pure control deck. The thing about control decks vs aggro decks is, if an aggro deck has a lousy mulligan, control just runs you down because their cards have higher value and you gave them free reign on the board.

Although control decks usually have the slowest games on average, against aggro decks their games are fastest, win or lose.

It’s kinda paradoxical but it’s always been like this.

A fake control deck does not do you big damage each turn, a real control deck kills slowly, it exhausts the opponent’s hand (if it is aggro) or exhausts the opposing deck (if control opposite).

War odyn > aggro deck.

It’s crazy to see the intellectual level of the players in this game (very low).

IF u dOnT wIn WiTh fAtIgUe DmG uR dUm

citron, you’re just making stuff up to make yourself feel better than you actually are

If they don’t make it core, they will most likely create another version of it, like the tradable weapon destroyer that is almost exactly like the original ooze.

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Every rotation there is always some neutral silence and some neutral weapon removal. There have been enough shuffle into your (or opponent’s) deck effects in recent history to warrant a steamcleaner type neutral card going forward, and to me it just makes sense to rotate into core. I do love the idea of a tradeable variant though.

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