Soulreaper's Scythe not working properly

Used it on a Nightmare Amalgam created by the Build-a-Beast opponent. It is not summoning the Amalgam.

EDIT: Apparently I can’t give an update to my post unless someone else puts something? Are you trying to promote smurf accounts? Liking these new forums less and less…

Anyway, here’s what I was going to reply:

So it summons the minion both before and after the Amalgam, but is not summoning the Amalgam. So - fix it if you want. Or not. It didn’t ruin my run.


I came here to report this same bug - it appears that the scythe only works on “actual minions”, not generated ones. You would think it would work like Frostmourne, but… you know… better :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought it would give me the “base” minion at least. I knew enchants and combinations wouldn’t follow, but if I hit an Amalgam token, I expect to get an Amalgam.

I don’t care if they fix it or not, since I don’t see myself replaying that content. Just thought they’d like to know!

There’s a LOT of bugs in Dalaran based around cards or effects unique to the adventure, plus “token” style minions. The spell that turns all creatures in your deck into a copy of a minion actually just removes all creatures from your deck in such an instance!