Someone please tell me why I'm playing this game

It is clearly a He who pays the most money wins game. Every time I move up past Gold 7 or so, the big money players start showing up and its just loss after loss. I had one guy that do 60 pts of damage to me on turn 5. How is this fun. I keep logging in, I play a few games till I get angry at myself for playing this game, then I go find something else to do till the following day. But it just starts the day off on a bad note.

Is even the meagrest amount of effort to have some small amount of play balance that much to ask?

β€œWorthy Opponent?” Its just laughable.


Have you tried battlegrounds? You can buy two more hero choices but that is the only benefit you can get.

This is not true.

someday when I can beat anything better than a blizzard-bot, I might believe you. As of yet, that is not the case.


I made Legend with the free deck I received when I completed my Apprenticeship.

It is not Pay to Win, you can dust & craft to get anything you need, plus lots of gold, cards, & packs just for playing.

Instead of thinking about conspiracy theories, you should think about how to improve your play.

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sure. I’m sure thats it. Did you win the lotto with one ticket too?

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Sorry, I can see that you’re not a serious person.


#Thankful to be ignored

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Show us please. What deck? What porcentagem of win/losses?

advice - delete it and try an actual game. A week or more and your brain will learn to forget it.

But, that didn’t work for you.

Why? I tried this game again yesterday after a few years. This game as bad as before or even worse. I deleted it again, checked forums and that’s all