Some words for the desginers

Before I start, I want to be clear I’m not attacking the developers or designers. I have enough mutuals who work in the games industry to know how badly it chews you up and spits you out.

I also know how posts like this are pointless but I don’t really have anywhere else to unburden myself.

I’m not anybody important in Hearthstone. I’m an old guy who’s been playing for a long time (9 years or so?) and has gotten profound joy from the game. It was worth every penny I spent on packs and expansions and passes. It had a positive impact on my mental health during some rough spots so thank you for that.

I just uninstalled the game. As folks frequently say, if you don’t enjoy the game don’t play it. I just wanted someone to know why.

I’m not a game designer. I don’t know anything about the goings on at Blizzard but I can tell you the game is just not fun to play anymore. When constructed got bad, I would pause but then switch over to Battlegrounds but it’s not really holding my interest now either. I don’t have any interest in duos.

I cannot take another loss where:

  • I have the opponent to 2 health and the next turn they get 20 armor and then, they shuffle six bombs into my three card deck
  • There’s a 4/5 minion on turn 2 (shaman)
  • six plagues shuffled into my deck (yoddler/coin/distressed) on turn three followed by next turn they get made permanent
  • made it through my THIRD clear of Aman’thul only to run out of gas
  • get an actual board after everythign else and then Reno comes down

Legendaries should actually be single copy. You shouldn’t be able to discover them. You shouldn’t be able to clone them.

Permanent masively game-deciding effects with no counter are not healthy.

The risk-vs-reward for certain archetypes are gone because of RNG.

I can probably predict the responses to this in my head so yall have fun with that.


There’s an old song, sung by a cartoon warthog, that might help.

Don’t put so much emotional energy into this game…

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