Some dude's opinion

I really like what you did with the animated Jaina face. It’s pretty awesome. I am not really into cowboys, but I am more than willing to purchase one or more with a neat theme.
BGs are fun, when you are not on a crap phone. I think I will check them out more.
The event was fun. I overuse the kobold card, so it is fun to have signatures of them.
Sorry about the layoffs, that’s gotta suck. I appreciate your work, and hope this game sticks around for a while.

  • Brim

Well, like…that’s your opinion man.

; )

But I happen to agree on cowgirl Jaina.

/tips hat

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He’s happy with the game, it’s Full Face heaven.

One aspect does not the whole game make.

You are right; I just prefer hearthstone.