Solved: Someone that is fluent in HSReplay

Im having an issue where the replay overlay will show me my duels run decklist in any and every other mode I play in as well. Its quite annoying and I cannot seem to find an answer online, I found 1 person asking the same question from a 6 year old reddit post, but they never were answered. I tried checking and unchecking “dont reset decks after” neither setting seems to affect it. I cannot seem to find a way to simply open up the game, play a match in Duels where it does show correctly, then swap over to standard or to tavern brawl and those decks lists appear in the overlay as I would expect to.

Edit: I figured it out, its a very small non button looking button in the main screen at the bottom that says NO DECK MODE. when it isnt on then whatever the deck the replay screen is left on will be what is always seen. Had no idea that was even a button or a setting down there, lol.

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You might have to many decks in your hs application. Try deleting ones you don’t use. When I’ve run into this issues I"ve manually deleted the decks in mine and that seemed to fix it.