Solo Content Downward Spiral

Since Naxx’s launch, Solo Content has really been sporadic and unpredictable. It’s not the primary focus of Hearthstone (obviously) but I’ve genuinely enjoyed the lighthearted take on various fights from Warcraft raids. Unique dialogs and interactions from memorable bosses like Kel’Thuzad to Dr. Boom and his evolution from being an auto-include legendary to a hilarious villain voiced by one of my favorite artists.

Then Dungeon Run came out. I had so much fun with this format that I got HOURS of replayability. Things only got better, even if Witchwood was a little hit-or-miss, it experimented with the dungeon run template by adding unique heroes with wild powers and treasures. Fast-forward to Tombs of Terror and you really have the pinnacle of the dungeon run’s evolution.

Then the conclusion of the League’s story arc launched. Me and my wife were really amped for this cause we love doing heroic Tombs with our own stupid challenges. We quote all the silly voice lines together when we play and it’s really just been an enjoyable past-time for us. But Galakrond was so incredibly disappointing that she didn’t even want to play, and I forced myself to finish it for the rewards since I paid, but it felt like a chore. What a let down.

We took a break from Hearthstone for a while after this. I come back every now and again to do Battlegrounds and keep my eyes peeled for new content announcements. But it’s all been really weak. My wife’s given up on following updates, I probably should too.

I don’t play Hearthstone for lore. It’s never been considered canon, so why now, 7+ years later, are they trying to make ‘serious’ lore content? It’s so poorly written, the fights are tedious and filled with unskippable dialog, the decks are boring, the hero powers are ANYthing but inspired (get it?).

It just makes no sense to me. That so much effort can go into those modes. So many unique bosses, where care and consideration went into their deck themes, hero powers and voice work. Unique responses to various minions or spells. Hidden treasures, rare bosses. Man, it was just such a treat, and I absolutely felt like it was worth the money. Even without the packs or card rewards. I miss the obvious effort and passion that went into the old Adventures.

For two years we’ve just gotten this boring garbage. I’ve read the sentiment that “it’s a free pack/content” but it requires my time, and if I’m not enjoying myself, it’s certainly not free.