So uh, how do you actually beat hunter now?

I am having the most difficult time now. Currently stuck on rank 5 Diamond and I am not kidding, 90% of decks I face are same iteration of renathal beast hunter.
Nothing works.
Tried playing: Imp Warlock, Mech Paladin, Quest Priest, Naga Priest, Big Mage and even pure control pally.
All efforts futile. No matter how well I draw, despite I am playing against a 40 card deck, they always seem to have a perfect curve into harpoon gun into cheating out big minions, or simply dropping Hydralodon and ending the game right there, or a pet collector into Rat King and it’s basically over. Only games I have won against this blatantly overpowered deck are the games where I got really lucky with RNG with Big Mage, rest I just straight up lose.
I use a deck tracker and despite me planning turns ahead and knowing their entire deck like a bible, its just impossible.

It is really making me want to quit this game again, there is very little variety now and a complete radio silence from Blizzard. Ironically enough the already broken deck got even more support with the miniset, which really makes me question how out of touch Blizzard is, and if they even do any playtesting before releasing new sets.

You guys have any tips…? I am willing to play any deck except Beast Hunter to beat it.


I hear you.

If you can stomach it, the most successful deck I’ve played vs beast hunter (I’ve tracked 10s of games with a 50+% winrate, probably in the 55-60%) is some variant of dew process ramp druid. I can’t quite figure out which one is the best (there are a few to choose from), but this deck can consistently win vs beast hunter (especially renthal version, but also the 30-aggro like one as well.)

I posted my list I’m running somewhere on these forums you can look it up, or find another version online. I found the version that runs kaz as a backup win condition and one that runs 2x shelfish shellfish (my own tech cards) perform best, its a toss up which one is better though.

Note, it’s not for the feint of heart to try to get consistent wins vs beast hunter with this deck, a lot of games are won with fatigue or go well past turn 10 as ramp druid has to answer each one of their threats.

Also, according to VS you can run bless priest which is supposed to hard counter beast hunter, but I never tried this and YMMV, if you don’t have the cards for it (like me), I’d definitely recommend ramp druid instead.

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Does Bless Priest get it?

Last time I looked pretty much everything except the mirror was green for Beast hunter. It’s an insanely strong deck that likely needs to be looked at for some changes.

It’s even stronger at lower levels right now.

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Can’t speak to this other than VS report from a while ago that stated bless priest was mildly or strongly favored in the MU, but this may have changed with revisions of both decks + new cards added in miniset (believe report I saw was before miniset.)

Yeas its pretty disturbing how long they leave it as a clearly overperforming deck compared to other classes. If rogue got a go at being top-dog this long, the pitchforks and torches would be out within a week.


Unfortunately I do not have cards necessary for dew druid. Fellow F2P player here :stuck_out_tongue:

What class do you have most of the cards for? I can give you general recommendation based on that, as to what may work vs beast hunter, been bashing my head against that wall for a while now.

Most except for hunter, druid and warrior. I can craft any other meta deck at the moment

Rogue gets played a bunch in the top meta as soon as it’s good.

It’s like mage… except it’s played by actual good players.

(kidding, mages, put down the wands.)

I would be curious to see how actually popular hunter is in the current meta.

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So the options you might be looking at

  1. Renthal thief rogue can hold its own vs most decks including beast huntard when they get okayish to great RNG rolls (you don’t need high-rolls but you have to NOT whiff.)

  2. Aggro druid can almost go 50-50 vs beast hunter. Its a cheap deck to craft, and you know if you won or lost the game by turn 3 usually, so its super fast. I’d say if you play a tonne of games, you will likely come up slightly unfavored, because if the game goes anywhere past turn 6 BH is heavily favored.

  3. Miracle rogue can spank beast hunter, but needs a decent opening hand (and need to throw in scabbs, which will screw up every other matchup.) So not great unless the field is entirely beast hunter.

  4. Its off-meta, but mine-warlock does okay vs beast hunter. Don’t recommend crafting this if you don’t have cards.

  5. Ramp druid based around dew-process is the only consistent deck when it comes to beating beast hunter in my experience. The surprising reason for this is dew process, it really screws up beast hunters mid-late game where they try to dump every beast inside their deck on the board. The beauty behind dew process is by that time they have drawn most of the beasts!

In general, beast hunter is hard to beat because they are given some of the best early, mid and late game tools out there. It should come as no surprise then they can beat every deck.

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Easy, you just play beast hunter and hope you draw better than your opponent!

I get the feeling that it’s one of those decks that will be hard to nerf because it has such strong synergy between its played cards. You can’t nerf everything, so which cards are you going to ask to be toned down?

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I don’t want them to go overboard nerfing this deck. They should start with reverting the weapon buff and see how that goes.

  • Payed HSR has a “polularity” tab on the Meta page …
  • Never tried out Firestone, no idea there
  • vS last report from Sept. 20 lists Hunter numbers at ca. 14-18% , rivaled by DH, Druid and Priest depending on rank bracket. DH supposedly has gone down somewhat, so take this numbers with three grains of salt.

I’ll try and remember to take an screenshot of deck-popularity when I get home.

Looks like Beast Hunter is at roughly 15.8 across diamond and legend, as of last patch.

There’s a podcast since then. Here’s a summary.

Summary of the 10/01/2022 Vicious Syndicate Podcast : CompetitiveHS (

Beast hunter looks absolutely broken. D5 and below, it has around 60% winrate. It relaxes a little bit the higher u go from there (editor note: in hsreplay top 1k legend, the best performing build of beast hunter since the miniset has no new cards and has 59.2% winrate). Best deck by far. Hunter as a class is very dominant. Giga busted. Only in top legend it is not THAT insane and broken.

So there’s that…

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I can definitely feel this. Sometimes I’ll draw really and have the tempo lead vs them and still get bombed by them. I am glad at least Relic DH is being kept in checked by them. Because while it sucks to get curved out by Hunter it sucks a lot more to lose to chance mana cheat. At least Hunter mana cheat is targeted at a beast and doesn’t scale.

The deck is frankly OP.

So basically even with Bless priest and the mirror, favored against literally everything else.

That’s about the best matchup spread I have have seen from any deck. Insanity.

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Yup. In my time playing, I think this is the craziest deck I’ve seen. (In standard of course.)

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Hunter is everywhere and freaking ridiculous right now. Probably time to step away until we see what op garbage is coming in the next expansion. My enjoyment for this game is quickly drying up.