So tired of Leeroy

Why did you EVER bring that STUPID card back? Nobody liked him to begin with and here he is again. Remove him from Standard he has NO PLACE in standard.

His place is as a finishing win condition if drawn. Why are you losing to it?

No chicken for you !

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I love it when opponents concede. I guess they don’t want to get by Leeroy Jenkins in the face.

Its pretty easy to stall and wittle the opponent down to within range of a 16 damage leroy, you know. A 16 damage charge minion. Pretty easy to buff him.

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“we want less charge in the game”
-dev team

“we’re rotating leeroy back into the core set”
-same dev team

Welcome to the current state of hearthstone at actiblizz, brought to you by microsoft.

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I don’t see any problem…
It’s already very obsolete…

THe scummy buffpaladin deck I have for the daily quest says otherwise.

The second is more accurate than the first.