So I never complained about the new reward system

I wanted to wait and see after a month or so of what came to be before I said anything about it, as I usually state my honest opinions about most things.
Anyhow, to this point, as a daily f2p or slightly more at best super rare player, who has uninstalled once already.
I am thrilled to have 5700 gold, with even higher ratio now.

I would not be surprised if they increase the pack cost to 175 or 255 gold even.

nerf the divine taunt heal 8 pally libram to cost 12.

They better effing not increase pack cost. I will agree that I am getting hella gold from the re-work of the XP system. Should have enough saved to get a pre-order bundle worth of packs with just gold next expansion

Dust/disenchant system is still a rip off, but gold generation is in a pretty good place right now

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So… are you happy with the new system? It might be just me but your post seems to point in different directions.

Any way, I am actually happy with the new system. As a free to play player, the only problem that i had with the game was the “necesity” to give up the wild format in ordder to play the decks that I wanted during the first days of a new Hearthstone year. And now, even with that mid season set, I can tell that starting a new year will be more easy and I might actually start buying wild packs (with gold). Also, it seems that the basic and classic change, will be helpfull.

You may be getting more gold… but don’t forget. You weren’t getting enough gold/dust before. The changes haven’t made the game reasonable, they have just made the game better.

ALSO - this current set is 30 cards larger (and we don’t yet know the breakdown of how many legendaries/epics it will have) so you are still possibly behind where you were under the old system.

hmmm… Not really
Beside the fact that i had to give up wild, the standard game has always been (not just reasonable but) actually good for me, and as I said, i am getting a little more that what I need, and now that can go to rebuild my wild colection.

And about the new mini sets, I might not want all the legendaries and epics, and if there is something that i want, i have the dust to craft it. In the other hand, all the rares and common cards will be basically ““free”” new good cards (most likely no one of those will be fillers)

one doesnt need to ‘give up wild’
i hope that doesnt mean you dusted your wild cards.

i only have like 4 or 5 legos from the new set, im not sure if i play any new cards really in any of my wild decks i do just fine with.

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Yeah, it means exactly that :frowning:

I dusted almost all my wild legendaries and epic cards. I didn’t needed to, but i wanted to, in order to craft the new legendaries that i wanted to use at the start of a new year. But as i said, with the new system it seems that i wont need to keep doing that in order to have the cards that i want.

A F2P player who wants to have multiple (in the interest of not getting bored with just 1-2, especially if those are the same archetype such as both aggro) competitive standard decks will most likely have to dust their rotated cards, aka give up on Wild. Even if you save 80 packs worth of gold before every expansion, that’s like 3ish legendaries, and the odds of you getting one for a competitive deck is pretty terrible

Other people have done the calculations but you will probably only earn somewhere in the range of 400-600 dust by dusting duplicates from those 80 packs, not enough to even craft one single legendary you want from the new set

Being a super old player who used to spend a good amount of money beyond just buying the pre-bundles, I had a bunch of old TERRIBLE wild cards like legendaries Woecleaver, some terrible overcosted shaman staff that cast random spells, etc, that don’t see play in any wild decks, I dusted these to create enough dust to craft some competitive standard decks. But most players don’t have that luxury

I would personally recommend giving up on wild because it’s priest-stone. And unless you want to be facing endless hordes of the most annoying deck in the game to play, stay away from Wild. But I gave up on it quickly, maybe I didn’t give it enough of a chance. But you couldn’t pay me to play Wild, even if you gave me a free Big/rez Priest deck to do it

super fun (when they work) stall/otk decks feast on priests.
I see different deck types just about every game,
I cant bring myself to play standard because its really the same 3 decks every game.

I hate to break it to you. But your really don’t get more gold with the new system, because you must spend about 2000 gold at minimum to get the new miniset cards.
You heard me. 2K gold at minimum, to get 2 copies of all new rares and commons. I don’t wanna mention epics and legends because you’re F2P

It may feel that you getting more golds, but just wait until that reality hit you in the face.

As for the Libram of Hope, nerfing it to 12 mana is nuts.
If for some reason you’re not drawing any libram discounter, that card is unplayable. Besides, Libram Paladin don’t really have any issues. It’s quite balanced.

i dont mind that, i still have got to be way ahead of myself as the next xp doesnt come out until apral? i should have another 5k gold by then. idk.
i dont think much has to do with the achievements,
im sure they will somewhat refresh them or i will find others to go for as i dont care too much for accomplishing all them at once.

before we had the mini adventure that was 2800 gold or so for a bunch of cards i never used.