Silver level dropped to bronze

I had reached silver level, now my heroes are bronze again. treasure chest shows the silver accomplishment. ??? Any one know what’s going on?

Yes, each month it resets. So everyone goes back to bronze and depending on how well you did the previous month, you will get bonus stars to help you climb back to the level you had reached the previously. This happens every month to everyone.

Something also to keep in mind, let’s say last month you reached silver. But than took a month break. Than your rank gets reset to bronze 10 with no star bonus, and you will need to redo the entire climb from scratch.

So for example, I play standard and Wild. I’ve hit legend in both. A while back, I stopped playing wild for 6 months because I needed a break from that ladder. So while I had hit legend on my last month in Wild, My rank reset to bronze 10 with no bonus starts. I had to redo my climb back to legend from scratch.

And while i lost the bonus stars for Wild, I kept them for Standard because I was active in standard.

However, if you hit silver this month, and chest is showing bronze, most likely it’s just a visual bug. This has sometimes happened to me when I would switch between ladders. So when the month is over, even if the chest display a different rank, you will get the rewards for the rank you reached. I’ve had this happen to me in the past.

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Different modes also have their own rank. If you switch from wild to standard and you are silver, it can flip to bronze if you didn’t play that mode. You will still get the highest rank achieved overall.

aware of both posts happenings but this is different. this wasn’t due to change of month as i was silver a couple days ago , and today the same hero in the same mode is bronze. If its just me this time who can i ask about technically.,

So you’re rank 2 days ago was SIlver but now your bronze? Are you using Hsreply? You can review you matches and you can see when there was change if this is the case. You would need to create a post on the bug section of the forums if your rank emblem next to your chest shows silver in the ladder you are playing but your rank was rest to bronze in that ladder.

If you swap ladders, your rank will change to whatever it is in that ladder. Like Deck16 mentioned. Did you happen to possibly switch to wild or twist from standard or vis versa by accident?

Last month I made gold 5.
Right as the clock was flipping over to a new month I was playing against some warlock deck and got ROFLstomped. The game registered me as dropping from gold 5 to gold 1, but I still got my gold 5 rewards.