Silivaz & Pashmar

Is there really no way to destroy them at the same time without discovering/saving starfall and being lucky enough to have minions that can get them down to 2 health? This hurdle makes this final encounter so impossible when it’s otherwise just generally hard.

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I guess be thankful it’s not a buggy mess like nzoth was.

Maybe try some guides online, probably find some solutions there.

Unsurprisingly, the “big mercstone patch” literally has zero coin resolution issues.

Epic fail, team 5 s usual.

I truly pity anyone who believes a word of what they say about this sam mode anymore.

you have starfall in your deck and also the spell that lets you discover a card from your deck; try to fish for it before they spawn (you know when they appear, since it’s scripted).

Remember to not overbuff your board, otherwise it will be impossible to bring them to 2-1 health

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Yeah that’s what I’ve been doing and I’m getting closer. Just trying to finish w the other starting merc’s. I’ve found that discovering flamestrike can help a lot.

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That part is definitely a major pain. I wish they had Immune during Azshara’s turn or something, that already would help a lot.

Yeah, or if the point is that they work together, maybe have a deathrattle that it buffs the other one, so it encourages destroying them at once, but it’s not impossible if you can’t.

You also have the 1/1 minion that can turn into 3/1 with rush. And a card that can spawn 2 of these. Use one to attack the 3/5 and then pump up the other one to attack the 3/7. Then use Starfall. Use your hero power (not too intensively) to get these cards. Once I got to this level, I got it in one turn.

Gosh, Azshara is ridiculous even if you do get past them. I beat her once after maybe one or two attempts, and now that I’m trying with a different merc I’m easily in the dozens of attempts. The rng is real.

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its not the only one issue. Whenever you trying to pass that type of challenges and you cannot find a solution you dont know if its buggy or not. So you just give up

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