SI:7 Production

So I have posted before about how I auto concede to Demon Seed, and I am watching this Rarran video on youtube he is playing Demon Seed. But it got me thinking. Why won’t they print SI:7 cards on the power level of the cards for Warlock Questline?

It could be like SI:7 Producer, 1 mana 1/1 battlecry or combo (idk which), Draw 1 card. Deal 2 damage to a random (or chosen?) enemy. Shuffle 2 copy into deck.

Or it could be like SI:7 Seven, 4 mana 7/7 Stealth with Deathrattle: Set your hero’s remaining health to 7.

Or it could be like SI:7 Lookout, 3 mana 3/4 with an effect when you play a SI:7 card refresh a mana crystal.

Does anyone know any reason why they won’t/don’t do this? I just want to have fun with the game and I love SI:7 card ever since “Ha, This Guy is Toast” and then they released the questline for it that is why I am making the connection from that expansion to where we are now so I am left asking why not? Will it ever happen?

That would be cool. I enjoyed the SI:7 questline. If they wanted to broaden its reach they could make it “Play SI:7 cards or Stealth minions” maybe.

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because SI:7 is supposed to be a stormwind agency from wow so they mostly only released it during the stormwind expac

Yeah, that’s what I thought, but then I realized Demon Seed was also released during the same time. So I’m wondering why we can’t get the same sort of card support? Will it be coming in future expansion do you think?

demon seed support and SI:7 support are two different things,

1.)classic had 1 SI:7 card but multiple hurt myself warlock cards(3creatures 1 spell) and other alternate cost cards (discard a card/ lose a mana crystal? sacrifice a creature) where you didn’t pay mana of the minion in full but and additional cost to use the card
2.) Outside the original and SI:7 Infiltrator(printed in the core set around stormwind, I could be wrong but I think that is when it was printed) we have never gotten a SI:7 card printed outside stormwind itself however, self hurt/alternate cost is a THEME in warlock so discard and “Demon Seed” support cards will most likely continue to get printed

You don’t like the SI:7 cards?

I didn’t say that, in fact the opposite I enjoyed it while it was standard(or at least after they finally nerf the BS that was every other questline so that rogues could be BS)
It is located to a specific location in WOW, so until we have another expansion there probably won’t see more then a new card for it, but as I state power at a cost(discard/self hurt) is a concept of warlocks everywhere and will be continued to be printed

Stormwind is not the only place SI:7 are found btw, it seems like this is the only reason you don’t want them? Battlecry and Combo and SI:7 are part of Rogue, that is why I am asking for these cards since it seems like other classes get these sort of power level cards

wowpedia says
SI:7 (Stormwind Intellegence or Stormwind Intelligence Agency) also spelled SI-7, is a secretive military force of Stormwind’s sovereign monarch.

1.)therefor any event within hearthstone that doesn’t involve the kingdom of stormwind should not have any SI-7 cards, this would mean if we had a story or event that a set focus around involved DARK RIDERS or Mist of Pandaria…(the list goes on) we could(and probably should) see more SI-7 cards

2.)you clearly have no education in balance/design philosophy for cards and
are just regurgitate already existing cards with numbers/effects moved around and swapping keyword like battlecry=>deathrattle taunt=>stealth

3.) I can clearly see you simply trying to move “mass production”, “INFERNAL”, and “Darkglare” into rogue, at least be creative in the design space and talk about something they would/could/should have

3.) We have enough problems with team 5s lack of abilities to make a balance format quit giving them even less intelligent ideas with even more broken cards

4.)I’d make this post if someone said “make a post that says I’m salty about warlock without saying I’m salty about warlock”

Funny you mention wowpedia but miss this? “They have operatives all throughout the Eastern Kingdoms who carry out secret missions for Stormwind, such as Renzik “The Shiv” and Flint Shadowmore. They also have some operatives in the Kalimdor region, such as Andello Porter.”

Therefore #1 invalid, #2 invalid, #3 yes the ideas were taken from those cards, I’m trying to give Rogue some relevant SI:7 cards like Warlock gets for Demon Seed, if you can be more creative than I was then by all means, enlighten us, #4 I don’t really care about Warlock, it was just a happenstance and I thought SI:7 could be improved and iterated on.

But I see how you are now, Sorry we are in disagreement.

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strange wouldn’t an event/set for Hearthstone involving Renzik “The Shiv” be involving stormwind as he is a member of the SI-7, therefor the SI-7 would be involved and new cards would be appropriate. If involving Renzik wouldn’t involve the whole organization then no SI-7 support cards other then a legendary for him would be necessary == statement 1 of mine still is valid

statement 2 validity doesn’t matter but everything you posted has no inference to if it is or isn’t

just like rogue doesn’t get cards based on the SI-7 questline, Warlock doesn’t get cards basde on the events for The Demon Seed, nothing involving Tamsin or Anetheron have been printed since Stormwind, it be like saying mage have fire/frost/arcane spells printed so blizzard supports
the “Sorcerer’s Gambit” getting a good card supports the class.

I guess technically by your logic gear shift was printed for Find the Imposter because if you draw more cards you can play more SI-7 cards; I guess they have been buffing your questline you should have no complaints

If I was looking to Support SI-7 questline I would be needing a wild playable card something simple like

SI:7 husher a 2 mana 3/2
Battlecry: enemy spells cost 1 more next turn combo: all cards instead

SI:7 Stalwart a 3 mana 2/5
Static/Battlecry/Combo: If a player would draw a card beyond the first they burn it instead (battlecry/combo would be until end of the opp next turn)

SI:7 Piercer a 4 mana 6/3
static: damage is doubled/tripled to armor (maybe to health instead of armor while out designed to get an edge on the 2000armor druid deck)
Battlecry/combo: deal 3 damage

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You have quite the selective reading capability. Statement #1 of yours is still invalid.

Then why state #2 lol

At least you actually came up with some ideas though. For that I do appreciate and you get + bonus points even though you’re still in the red.

i thought that was weird because demon seed was specifically a quest from the barrens, i guess they couldn’t finish it in time for the barrens expac so they just released for the stormwind pack instead so i dunno

would have been kind of weird to just have one class getting a quest in the barrens
plus tamsin’s whole plot was kind of getting the demon seed and unleashing anetheron on stormwind