Seriously after switching decks

Seriously just que’d up against 5 hunters in a row one right after the next. So I switch to my priest deck to counter the hunters and first game Warrior. Screw you blizzard and your match making system.

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All I want to know is, casual or ranked? Im betting this was in casual.

Rank 7 5 stars almost rank 6. Now Rank 7 with 3 stars.

2 star loss isn’t bad. Especially since you can still earn winstreaks bud. I bet if you give it an hour to relax, you’ll be winning back up several ranks, not just stars.

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Just played 7 deathrattle warlocks in a row (wild) at rank 1, which directly counter the odd paladin I was playing. Had to switch it up. Just want to hit legend so I can play my homebrew decks in peace :frowning:

I’m pretty curious. If you’re good enough to be rank 1 an hit legend. You’re good at the game. So what kinda homebrews do you find fun to play?

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Right now I’m really enjoying a C’Thun Warrior and what I’ve called an Infinite Rogue. My favorite part about custom homebrew decks is that you never ever see mirror matchups.


Rogue has a bunch of nutty stuff it can do in wild, so not to shocked about that lol. C’thun Warrior sounds cool, as no one plays C’thun anymore unfortunately. Thanks for atleast sharing as I was curious.

Don’t like mirror matches huh? Not a fan of spamming “Well Met”! As odd pallys back an forth until someone gets the recruit adavantage an the other goes silent lol?

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Its unfortunate and also fortunate. One of the reasons I really enjoy the C’Thun Warrior is because it’s not only a strong deck (has a couple weak matchups, ofcourse, like all decks) but that no one else plays C’Thun, so it’s cool to win with it. Same with the rogue deck, it’s based around Anub’arak which nobody plays either.


OK, now you’ve piqued my interest. I have many Rogue lists that do “infinite” in different ways, its my favourite way to play the class. Care to share your list?


Sure thing. So the idea when I made the list is to try to have an infinite onslaught of minions on your board so it seems never ending to your opponent. I just made the deck recently, as I’ve spent most of the last while playing as my warrior, so it needs some work; it’s too slow off the start in my opinion.

Infinite Rogue

Class: Rogue

Format: Wild

2x (0) Backstab

2x (0) Preparation

2x (1) Fire Fly

2x (2) Jade Shuriken

2x (3) Fan of Knives

2x (3) Necrium Blade

2x (3) SI:7 Agent

2x (4) Elven Minstrel

2x (4) Fal’dorei Strider

2x (4) Jade Spirit

2x (5) Antique Healbot

1x (5) Myra Rotspring

1x (5) Necrium Vial

1x (6) Aya Blackpaw

1x (6) Sylvanas Windrunner

1x (8) Da Undatakah

1x (9) Anub’arak

1x (9) Valeera the Hollow

1x (10) N’Zoth, the Corruptor


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone