Scripted outcome

I know Blizzard have deleted many posts from me when I made topics about this ( I wonder why ) , but …

Literally his only way of not losing. Literally , the only way.

But of course… I knew before that hand that he will win this match , thanks to the scripted outcome no matter what.

And here is the full match

This is 110% scripted outcome. Literally!

You can’t get perfect RNG , and call it “hey, is just RNG”. No, you can’t. The odds that this guy would get that particular card was 1 in … how many hundreds?

Yup …


Someone highrolled one time. It must be a conspiracy.

Is it a conspiracy when YOU highroll?


If ‘Real’ Carinvore is trying to cover it up, you just might be on to something KABAL!!!

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Yeah the person that says every single day the Devs are incompetent. Those people can’t even fix a game-breaking bug within 1 week of discovery (see the Titan bug). You think they have the skill to micromanage how you will lose.

They never had to micromanage how you will lose. You will lose sooner or later because they raise the MMR when you win the end problem solved.

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Stop impersonating Carnivore

One time? Oh , but I gave many exemples here along the way many times.

It happens to me too , hence… Scripted Outcome, when a match you weren’t suppose to win … you will not win it no matter what.

I think is time for you guys to …google it. There is literally their sayings ( Blizzard ) saying that the system will get involved if someone’s win-rate its higher than “normal”.

If you play a match and you are like “there is NO way I will win this match” … but somehow the “magical” rng takes place…is Scripted outcome.

Unless you believe that 1 chance out of … 1000 is just…RNG … at the perfect time and it happens to YOU … at the very right time.

PS: Yup! Nothing wrong in 1 card which could save him…again! Nothing wrong, just …supreme uber RNG lol - see last turns before his “just a normal 1 out of 1000 rng” …


when you understand that every match is scripted and everything is manipulated based on how much money you give to blizzard you will always be 10 years late in understanding it, I understood it and I have my own wonderful strategy to not pay anything and still have everything without having to play 15 hours a day which is like giving your life to blizzard… but no!

Why don’t you google it. Give us the Dev quote which you did not bother to confirm yourself.

Occam’s razor: some players are just better than you and sometimes you lose the end.


They delete most anything if it reveals the truth that may impact their ability to continue selling snake oil to gullible people. Yes the game has scripted outcomes in fact it’s literally rigged so that 99% of players are funneled to approach 50% win/loss or between 45%-55% notwithstanding those who auto-concede purposefully (which the algorithm can’t control)


I have researched this better than anyone screaming “rigged!” here without evidence.

The only indication that they may rig games is the famous patent of Activision.

Other than it’s wild speculation unless you bring the evidence you promised.

Screaming again “go google it” or going on personal attacks isn’t evidence.

Sorry but some of us are not dumb and intimidation doesn’t convince us.

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I’ve researched it far more than you, and it is rigged 100%. It’s too bad that most evidence and explanations of why and how it is rigged gets removed.


This is true in 2024 the same as it will be in 2025

Your “research” is repeating yourself, and sockpuppet accounts like the person impersonating me above doing the same. You have nothing.

The Devs never had to micromanage how you will lose. You will lose sooner or later by raising your MMR when you win the end.


No, my research is research the way a college student would research. I only have this one account, idk why you think otherwise. I have everything.

I didn’t say the devs needed to micromanage wins/losses. That’s what the algorithm is for. The work has already been done to rig the game as needed. Please try to be better going forward, lest this become another silenced and removed thread/topic

Did they then fail their exams? I didn’t call you a sockpuppet but the obvious impersonation account above.

No algorithm “causes a loss”. That an extremely convoluted thing to code to the point of being impossible.

They just raise the MMR so the probability of losing is just higher the end nothing complex needed.

Most college students who do research don’t fail exams, something you would know if you were ever at such a level :man_facepalming:

I have no clue what you are trying to babble about here. Like I said, I have this one account, that’s it.

You sweet summer child

Yeah I’m not at that level because I have graduated colleges with multiple degrees.

The Devs never had to “rig” the game to make you lose.

It’s simpler to just raise the MMR.

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Then you would have already known, and would never have asserted what you did, but you did, and so…that’s on you.

You don’t need to stab someone in the heart for them to die, it will happen regardless because of life’s “algorithm”

Raising MatchMaking Rigging only ensures further rigging either way. Best to just not play the game at all, imo

Raising the MMR is not rigging though. It’s literally making the opponents harder. It can only be unethical if it’s misused.

For example I can see it being unethical if they raise the MMR extremely after a win so the win rate is kept close to 50%.

Theoretically they could do worse things with it because third parties can’t derive the hidden MMR easily.

So they can script “draw x worded card”, they can script replace your deck with endless x stuff, they can script Zephiris that gives deterministic outcomes, but they cannot script a way for you to lose when they feel the need for you to lose so that they can influence sales …

At this point the question is, can’t or won’t because people think it’s not morally viable. Because Blizzard has lost the moral value, they will certainly do that, and we are already past the can’t part as they proved it can be done…

People still thinking that Blizzard won’t do it because they do not care about some random dude losing are literally coping and probably full on hopium that Hearthstone is not a scripted outcome…Imagine what it would do to them if tomorrow Blizzard raises the curtain and reveals the magician’s code that everything is a scripted outcome and it was all to get money for other projects, I can literally believe that even at that point they will not believe it and try to cope with that also :rofl:

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