Root of the problem

really to beat urlsa wind fall with out him attacking?.. im really stump on what team and how to do this … i usually put a orc team for this usually lose a hero due to its attack … now you want me to figure a way to do it with out letting him attack… any suggestion really how to do this

I got a very strange bug that i was able to complete this quest during 1st trash pack. I am not complaining here.


Use Elise with monkey paw equipment and you can root her on the first round before she acts.

And if you don’t have Elise yet, use a frost team and hope for the treasure (Lokholar or Lich King, I believe) that freezes everyone at the start of the fight.

Btw, a lot of your questions have already been answered by Old Guardian:
Very useful resource for mercenaries.

Me too. I suspect the actual quest completion requirement is simply “win a fight in which the green enemy doesn’t attack, anywhere in the Ursula Windfury bounty”. That’s much easier. Especially since Lokholar did not get the required treasure, so it would have been down to whether the Lich King got it for my run to have had a chance… :stuck_out_tongue:

Zar’jira can also get that treasure. Though both Lich King and Zar’jira can only get it from elite fights, Lokholar can get it from any fight.

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I was working on getting Balinda’s Task 7 to get her frozen minion for this quest so I worked on a low Heroic Run. When I defeated the first fight, it completed this task: Root of the Problem. I feel bad as it is a challenge to complete but I got it completed from a bug. Just throwing my report here as well so it can be addressed.