RNGstone is unbearable

I came back to the game after a long break ( not played since the Handlock and Freeze Mage days) what the hell has happened to HS. Every single game in standard felt like a tavern brawl with the insane card generation, I can’t imagine the vast majority of people actually like this? Or am I wrong.


Only people who like games without thinking.

Not at all. But the fanboys and self-appointed forum warriors will tell you the opposite. Perhaps they will even flag your post for trolling.

im guessing you lost to excavate rogue… i cant think many decks that rely on rng besides some mage decks and excavate rogue…so ?
if you dont like those decks dont play them …most of the decks right now dont rely on random card generarion

and a lot of people loooove this …and is the main reason weve been playing HS for years

Well, this place is the salt mines, so you’re going to get people here who are never happy.

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