Rigged match making

You are not alone. I’ve been playing Hearthstone since the beginning, and the past few years, I have earned Legend in Wild almost every month.

However, it is becoming more and more difficult. The algorithm appears to be making it harder to achieve Legend than in the past, by forcing me to play longer to do so.

This month, I was at Diamond 1 with three stars (one win away from legend) five separate times, and got ridiculously ROFL stomped each time by counter comps or an insane combination of good fortune for my opponent and bad for me. After the final time, as if to rub salt into my wounds, I was then ROFL stomped all the way back to Diamond 5 with zero stars over the course of two-three hours.

The grind back has been absolutely painful and I am currently at Diamond 4 with two stars, but I am all out of answers. In the past, my runs of bad luck seemed to be followed by runs of good luck which balanced things out. But my runs of good luck seemed to have diminished.

I am confident that if I keep at it, I will eventually get back to legend like I normally do, as I still have half a month left. However, it appears to me that something has fundamentally changed in this game’s matchmaking that is purposely forcing me to play longer and harder to achieve the same goals.

I am finally to the point where I am no longer willing to do that. I have a life and there other forms of entertainment out there that will not rob me of so much time to earn the rewards I seek.

Therefore, for first time since I started playing, I am seriously considering uninstalling the game. We’ll see how the second half of this month goes before I ultimately make up my mind.

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The cheat is ridiculously transparent once you start winning more than 50% you face counterdeck decks rigged according to your deck

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It’s never been easier

It is so rigged that it stinks !

Looking at the intellectual level of a blizzard fanboy at the same time defending a company that hasn’t released any good games in 15 years (even a “warcraft refailed” remake succeeded in failing, I don’t know how you can fail a remake but blizzard succeeded in this feat) and then the stories of harassment and rape of minors, you really have to be stupid to defend a company like that.


It is also a spam, forum COC violation. But since he’s a Blizzard defender, no action will be taken.