Rigged match making

The moment the algorithm starts countering you and it does a lot, it put me from D1 *** to D5 in 20 minutes, just concede any game that you feel is rigged and change the deck. And Blizzard shame on you !

All you trolls saying it’s not rigged go get a life !


Translation: No one rebuttal my statement because I refuse to accept the fact I must get better at the game in order to see the progress I want


You want us to get a life but you’d rather complain about a mobile gaming not being fair? That’s some strange decision making.

Stop blaming the game on why you deranked. It must be hard for you to read how new people play the game and get legend faster than you.

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Yeah its you again, no one cares about your lies so …cheers


I don’t remember you

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the game is clearly a colossal scam, obviously since it is a little game no one investigates, you will never know if on the other side there is a human being or a blizzard bot that always has the perfect decks to counter yours, this is amplified to out of proportion in the arena, where blizzard already imposes ridiculous prizes, it gives you 150 gold only for 7 wins and up, considering that if we were all equally good and with the same cards in the long term we would win 50% of the matches it would be fair to win a new entry at 3 victories, on the other hand the blizzard, which is just a money-consuming company, does not give you a new entry at 4 not at 5 not at 6 but…. to 7, which is obviously very rare given that the arena itself is rigged and the rng is unbalanced towards those who pay real money


lol geez. The delusional y’all must possess to believe paying money some how gives you better rng.

So please tell me. How much do I need to spend to get better rng? Do I just have to buy a single pack with cash? $10? $200? When does the good rng factor kick in?

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no one knows these things, I can hypothesize that it is scaling, if you spend $1000 a month it will certainly be better than someone who spends $2 a month, obviously the fact remains that if you don’t know how to play a good rng is not enough, but what is certain is that blizzard must facilitate those who feed them, certainly not those who crowd the servers for free, and by the way I’ll give you a demonstration, I played for a week in the arena with the account of a friend who spends at least $100 a month, and I almost always closed above 5 wins and twice at 11 wins, usually in my free account if I’m 3/4 of the way through and I’m already satisfied…

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How do you explain pros who do fresh accounts and still make it to legend?

There’s plenty of people, like myself, who don’t pay a dime and make it to legend. Explain how if I didn’t spend money for rng?

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I played pure paladin this morning. I faced 4 straight plague DKs.

I swapped from pure paladin. No more plague dks.

This is far from the first time this type of matchmaking has happened.

I mean, if that doesn’t paint how the system works, or if you don’t believe in “the algorithm” or whatever, idk what to tell you.


Interesting word. Unfortunately, irrelevant to the topic (or at least, to what I wrote and which you quoted). Here, I’ll help finish my quote for you.

“This is far from the first time this type of matchmaking has happened.”

Well, I did my part. gl

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Big fat try and fail :melting_face: happens to us all, but I acknowledge and appreciate your attempt! If you can get your reading comprehension to be better, I believe you may be able to make a valid point someday!

Since you don’t know me, and we aren’t friends and will probably never play each other, I challenge you to give me a deck code that will guarantee I get to legend. If you do, and I do, I will never ever claim this game is AI-driven. But if I don’t, I will continue to say it is, unless someone with provable evidence can show me otherwise.

For the record, I made the challenge to someone else (I apologize I do not recall who) and I was successful in making it to D5, after numerous adjustments. It was a good deck, but I had to tweak it to get to where I ended up.

Point is, I believe it’s all luck. It has nothing to do with " getting better", it’s a card game. You either get the cards you need, or you don’t. It’s gambling, only in this case, the house not only controls the deal, they can manipulate the outcome digitally. I work in the software industry, I know how code works.

lol what?

So if you don’t make it to legend, it proves how the game is rigged? And not that you’re just a bad player?

Decks don’t make it to legend. Players do.


Pure Paladin vs Plague DK is an even matchup. For Diamond 4 and up, the most recent Data Reaper report from Vicious Syndicate puts the matchup at 50.4% to 49.6%, technically in the DK’s favor but we’re not even talking a 1% difference here.

So if you think that you’re providing some example of going against a counter deck 4 times in a row, you are not. The fact that you seem to believe that it’s a counter implies that you don’t understand the matchup, which could explain any poor performance with it.

If you think the game is rigged, please show some evidence. You can use the deck tracker to keep a record of every game you play, then post a shot of that.

Easy peasy to prove it is rigged.
Put a weapon stealer in your deck and all the weapon smasher and trashers and play 100 games and see how many times the AI puts you up agaisnt the magic roge weapon that keeps enchants or other weapon dependant buidls.
Then make a deck with no taunts and no weapons crushers and play 100 games and count how many times you get put up against the magic roge weapons.

That’s right, this game is the worst scam ever.

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