Rewards Track Client Patch

Oh, gotcha! That does seem better than what We have now.
Thank you for explaining:)

I am going to let Swampy discuss the issue of in game XP. I frankly don’t want the headache of arguing with Swampy right now.

You just added a separate third point on post #213. Lowering the average XP/level. Doing that is independent of whether to shift from a progressive to a flat system.

Changing the multiple doesn’t change the fact that to reach a specific level you need more XP.

Now remember that you can always argue that “wouldn’t it be better” for any system other than logging in on day one and getting all cards for free.

Please look at the progressive VS flat individually, and understand why I disagree on that specific change.

I just think the current system is awful and I’m not a designer so to me requiring a flat amount of Xp for each level coupled with a flat amount for wins and losses seems simpler/easier/ and more fun.
I wasn’t trying to argue, just spitballing.

OK, I am trying to replace feelings with facts on the basis for the progressive VS flat debate.

Under a flat system more people will get less rewards, under a progressive system NOBODY will get less rewards.

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I still fail to see why a hypothetical system has to use the formula you propose.
I came up with a layman’s idea that seems clearly better and more fun to me, and you didn’t like that because you seem tied to your formula.
Perhaps your idea is clearly better if We are forced to use your reckoning on XP requirements, but I do not see why that has to be.
At any rate I predict Blizzard won’t use either idea.
So; good talk, and good luck:) With the new system We all need it.

Let me say it again.

I didn’t create any formulas.

I plugged numbers into YOUR formula.

I don’t like it because it takes away rewards from some players. My feelings for not liking it are based on facts.

I don’t understand why you continue to advocate for a change that would screw over some players?

This is what you took issue with.
This wasn’t plugged into your calculations.
Why must the XP level be what it is currently when the new system does not work?

This seems clearly better in every single way. It’s simple and it’s easy to understand.
Finding excuses not to consider something like this is not the same as proving it to be a bad idea.
But stick with your idea. Team 5 won’t implement any of Our ideas anyhow.
Have a great evening.

That’s not a formula. That’s a variable in the formula.

This is what happens when you change the variable.

Level 40 prog (1000XP average): 30,280

Level 40 flat (1000XP average): 40,000

It’s still a lot more XP to reach any specific level.

lets talk about incentives, before we chase the rabbit hole!

win/lose xp will never happen, cause if they would do that, there is only 1 way to play, for everyone!

concede asap!
cause no one cares if he gets 200xp/sec or 400xp/sec. swampy is right equal xp is the only way to go, otherwise you lose all the f2p players, cause they cant build the strong decks and will lose most of their games, at least at the start of the expansion.

the main point should be, and thats how i understand this whole revamping:
everyone should get more, given the time he played hs with the old system.

i can’t see how this will happen, given the average gold i earn atm… i already fall back at the start of the track lvl 23, how should it get better with higher lvls…

swampy showed yesterday:
given you play 5h/day you’ll still need the same amount of xp given by the events, that definitly wont happen… so the main issue is the progressiv track-lvl-system and the constant xp system.

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It does not matter. They aren’t going to use anyone’s ideas anyhow. The system was exactly the way they intended it and the extra gold was all of the concession We are ever going to get.
We can like it or lump it. Blizzard does not care.

It does matter.

Remember when Zeddy stoked the community to hate Mage and they nerfed it even though it wasn’t even Tier 1?

We need to be extremely careful with what we ask so they have no incentive to make further changes that hurt players.


totally agree with marcosongas, and even more we should show them that we understand what this system at this given point means for us players.

it has an impact on all players, the ones who pay and the ones who f2p.

and shouldnt be ok, to promis something, and present something else…


it’s not ok nor should it ever be. I’m disgusted by Blizzard.
I just had a friend tell me it will take 23 hours or more of play to get from level 49 to level 50. Insanity.


9300xp are needed

most efficent way 400xp/h in ranked

9300/400= 23h real play time

AC Vallhalla 47h for the main story… just in compare, what you can do with your time, by playing other games! :smiley:

thats what everyone is complaining about…

with the old system i could get 160g with 3-5h play time
with the new system its not possible

new system:

2750+1750+1750+ 7x900(aprox average of dailies) + 35x 400= 5,9 lvl ← numbes are for the lvls 50+

lets say 6 lvl - 6*150g=900g

old system:

every day 160g (ignoring the challenge a friend and 100g quests and taken the 60g as avarage instead of the 55g) in 5h for sure 7x160g= 1120g

i get less… pls dont forget, in the old system there were eventquests aswell!!!

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Few hours ago,friend who played hs from the beginning and who introduced me to hs destroyed all cards he had and uninstalled it.

havent removed the quests mate 7x900 ( is the avarage of the daily quests) and the weeklies are in aswell.

i compare all resources in both systems

so you somehow managed to get past the 100 gold limit

or found a trick to turn all your quests into 80 gold ones …

no you got a 100g cap with every 3rd win + a daily 60g - 100g but you could mostly rerole to 80g quests…

thats why i took the avarage of 70g in the final calculation

and yes i played around the 60g quests, so i get a chance to rerole to 80g.

No. There ws only 1 80g quest, and it was rare as hell. YOu were guaranteed to reroll your 60 into a 50 tho…

sry, yes you guys are right it was 60g
so lets take away 70g of the final equation its still 1120g vs 900g each week.

very important:
given i play 5h a day! so that has to be the cap aswell for the new system, cause playing more doesnt increase my income with the old system.

and i should get more for the same amount of playtime (at least thats what they promised)…
atm i have to play more to get the same amount of income…

that sucks!