Return number 3

So I’m not a new-new player, but I’ve been away since the release of Boomsday project and was watching Kripp stream some HS, and dangit if I didn’t get the itch again.

Which sets have the most viable cards of RR and RoS? Last rotation I remember Frozen Throne having quite a few good cards, and not just legendaries. Are the sets like that this time around???

Any budget decks to craft for to get started, or auto include cards???

Definitely RoS is proving to be the most influential expansion in Standard right now.
After the YotMammoth sets rotated out, Boomsday is starting to shine with the Mech cards.

You might want to look at Hearthpwn’s Budget decks:

As for auto-include cards, Zilliax is that neutral legendary like the Lich King was, maybe even more so. There’s a lot of auto includes that still come from the Classic set, especially if you are playing Rogue.