Report Option: I Was Just Held Hostage

So StevenSensei gives you four options to choose from, you pick one and then you go off on a whole tirade on why that option is bad, and how it will somehow result to less respect for the elderly?
Chill out, man. There were three other options as well. Just pick any of the other three.

That would be a violation of the rules of this forum, and might result in a posting ban for everyone who follows this advice.

If this thread does get locked, then the most likely reasons are:

  1. You inciting other people to violate the terms of service of this forum.
  2. Your own violations of the terms of service of this forum - I myself am trying very hard to interpret the second to last paragraph of your post as tongue in cheek but a mod reading it might well interpret it as a real life threat.
  3. Your personal attacks (“16 year old Mikey the troll”) and your use of foul language. (Replacing an i with a * may fool the automated content filters, but it does not fool human readers. And a lot of people take issue with using that kind of language in a place where minors are present).

Well, to be fair, conceding would be a last resort option.

One question I have is why are you in such a hurry? It’s not entirely relevant; just curious. I get that a 30 minute match can be unpleasantly long for some people. But I haven’t run into that situation all that often.

More importantly, you seem quite passionate on this issue. As someone who is very passionate about the auto-squelch issue, I can appreciate your zeal (even if I don’t agree). I’ve been trying to post on my issue with a focus on the topic itself, trying to avoid making things personal or detract from the argument with references to “dishonorable turds” and the like. I’ve seen a number of constructive suggestions regarding the turn timer, including a 30sec/turn game mode and shorter turns with a time bank. Perhaps a fresh thread focusing specifically on a suggestion to change or enhance the turn timer might be better, avoiding the “ropers are all a bunch of trolls” stuff.

In general, games (or activities) that require time to think are not best suited for impatient people… If you want instant non-stop action this is not the right game/activity for you. Just because your thoughts go lightning fast and you consider all your options, plays and turns in advance doesn’t mean everyone else is like that. Being fast often results in bad plays.

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You have one other choice, one which I use frequently, log off and play something fun.

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but hearthstone is fun

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I’m passionate about great things and experiences we have in our society that are ruined by people who have no respect and no sense of honor. It’s like the local idiot running through a rose garden and trampling down the beauty of the garden for no more of a reason other then he knows that it will piss everybody off.

Those people are everywhere now and they ruin everything. Even something as small and trivial as the emote system in this game. They find ways to exploit everything just to incite anger in others. That in turn leads to other people (Devs) making changes to appease everyone else which in the end leads to a diminished game. All because a small number of people have no respect and no honor.

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really, in a game where you have to think to play, you are penalizing thinking.


I can only LOL at your ultra serious response. And you’re telling ME to Chill out??

Dude, take your own advice.

You’ve openly stated that you think punching other people in real life is ok for taking turns at a pace you feel is slow.

Chilling out is definitely one of the first things you should consider.


You want to speed up games?

Just add an incentive for the fastest player. At the end of the match award the fastest player an extra 5 gold.


You should be calling the Police!

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Yeah I agree in some respect but I think there needs to be a new term for, “gamer”.

I’m an old fart. I started gaming as soon as games were made available to the public. I played pong in 4rth grade on my bff’s television. We laid down on the floor next to each other and laughed together like no kids ever laughed before. I grew into a mall rat and hung out at the arcades where we stood next to each other, peering over the side, encouraging each other to play well. When we went back home after the arcade culture ended we played with our buds Mario, Sonic and Zelda the same way we did pong, on our bellies, laughing, being wise asses and best friends. Gamers weren’t “toxic” or antisocial back then.

When I think about it, my generation also had games where we sat across from one another and took turns (pacman, centipede…). I have the fondest memories of being respectfully quiet while I watched my opponent take his turn. This is when the term, “game on” started. “Hey youthink you can beat my high score? Game on!”. The “gamers” of today don’t do that, they spam emotes, troll rope and are nasty to each other.

My definition of “gamer” resembles nothing of what the term stands for in 2019. We were true nerds. We hated being nerds because it usually meant we we smarter than the average kid and other kids didn’t like us because well… we were nerds. Most of us were A+ students. We were geeks. We were technically inclined and while other kids were at pool parties we were engineering chairs that would be more comfortable to sit in as we played. We were learning to be the first hackers and pressing buttons in sequences that normal kids would never think of!

Todays gamer? They are not so much of anything I mention above. A fair majority are antisocial but that’s like saying which came first, the antisocial “gamer” or the game(s) that encouraged them to be antisocial? Today’s games encourage solo play and parallel play. They don’t encourage true gamer behavior that I always have known the term, “gamer” to stand for. We were unified in our nerdiness.



I remember pong, Atari with space invaders and tank battles then evolved into Defender and Stargate and every other game you found at the arcade. From there it went to the original Nintendo and so on. You’re very right about one thing. When you played with your friends they were right there with you. They weren’t trolling you because there was a better chance that at the end of the day they wouldn’t be your friend anymore and they would be going home with a fat lip. We were allowed to fight back then and that’s another thing the modern “gamer” has been freed from…responsibility and consequences.

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I absolutely abhore ropers but the only thing to do is on e of the four options mentioned above. I rope back and play solitaire on the side. My son, who also plays this, told me that ropers think that they are messing with your psyche (psy-kie) by roping and throwing you off. Well, back at them. Or that they are bots on a computer in someone’s home programmed to play just for the win, which there are plenty of.

If a player takes their turn and spends their allocated time planning out their move, there is nothing wrong with that.
If that annoys you well that’s on you


All I am going to say to autosquelch’s response is BS! 75 seconds is way too long to make up your mind. You’re dealing with 30 cards and you can only hold at the most is 10 of them. Screw you and your explanations autosquelch. 30 seconds should be the rule and if you rope 5 times during the game it should be an automatic loss.

It might make you think twice about folding that laundry huh?

Yikes. That’s an awfully aggressive and hurtful comment.

It seems you are suggesting that the turn clock be reduced from 75 seconds to 30 seconds. I’d recommend a separate thread for that suggestion to see what support or opposition it garners. Personally, I think 30 seconds is too short. Some auctioneer turns can easily take up the full 75 seconds even with extremely fast card cycling.

I don’t know why so many people advocate a 1 size fits all solution to slow vs fast play.

Some people are gigantic morons who take forever to decide that the sky is blue, so they probably need all 75 seconds to decide to click their hero power then pass.

Some people are incredibly inconsiderate jerks who think their time is far more important than yours, so they think it’s ok to watch netflix or argue with their significant other while they’re playing, regardless of how often they accidentally rope you.

Some people are too stupid to realize they need to actually think about their move now and then. So they always take like 3 seconds to make their move, then wonder why everyone else is so slow.

Some people are super-geniuses who can make the perfect move within 2 seconds and KNOW that the reason you’re taking so long is that you’re not as intelligent as they are.

And so on. The reasons why someone takes the amount of time they take are many and varied.

The best solution is to simply monitor people’s average turn time over a decent size sample of games, then only match you against people who take similar amounts of time (unless there aren’t enough people playing to make a reasonable match in a decent amount of time, of course).

That way, all the people who play slow can enjoy a nice similarly slow opponent. And all the people who play fast similarly can do to.

And we don’t have to speculate about the reasons why.

Each time the rope appears , the player roping caused a kitten to die somewhere in the world :frowning:

Sorry, didn’t mean to be hurtful, I was just mad that statements about roping that people are doing this and that instead of concentrating on their game play ticks me off.
when I play against another player I expect them to do their move and to end their turn and not take 75 seconds to do so when it might only be one card played. Depending on how many cards are displayed in 75 seconds would normally require that 75 seconds, not for one or two cards.

I’ll concede the 75 seconds, but I won’t concede the roping if you rope 5 or more times in the game. It should be an automatic loss, because most of the time it’s being done to annoy.

Again sorry, your justification on why the roping just riled me.