Report Option: I Was Just Held Hostage

Ranked game.

From turn 1 the player roped. I knew what I was in for but didn’t want to kill my win stream. Player held me hostage for a grueling 20 minutes.

This should be reportable. Sure the player could be thinking but if a player gets reported many times they should get a warning and then penalty.

Definitely not the first time this happened to me.

I don’t complain about ranking, balance, or anything like that, but being held hostage is just plain painful.


It is. You can absolutely open a ticket to report it if you want. However, and this is the important part, roping for any reason (or no reason) is not a violation so no action will be taken.

Each player gets 75 seconds for their turn. They can do whatever they want with that 75 seconds. They can think about their current play. They can think two or three turn ahead. They can twiddle with their cards. They can feed the dog, change a pad, fold some laundry, eat a cookie. They can rope you because they don’t like your Btag. Or because you emoted at them. Or because they really like the fuse animation. The turns are 75 seconds. That’s a pretty reasonable amount of time.

Now this looks like a suggestion for a change to the game. I’m going to disagree. There are a lot of reasons people might take the full 75 seconds (see examples above). Trying to judge the validity of those reasons could lead to some very unfair consequences.


The gaming community is the worst community out there. This is what the typical gaming turd does. They troll, they antagonize all while hiding behind their computer. Imagine how you would react if your next door neighbor did this to you? You going to tell me you wouldn’t confront him about it the next time you saw him?? Exactly, you would and the dude would probably get punched in the mouth. This is why they need to hide behind their computer. If they didn’t they wouldn’t have any teeth and most likely the situation for them would end up much worse.

This is why when I meet a “gamer” in real life, I don’t want to interact with them, I don’t want to know them. I may enjoy video games and have played them for years but I don’t identify with the gaming community. I show respect, I’m polite, I don’t troll people.

Yes you should be able to report this but as I’ve said in other posts, these people would just find another way to antagonize other players and what exactly is Blizzard supposed to do after receiving the report? Ban the player? He likely has multiple accounts and will just play on another account until his ban is lifted, nothing get’s achieved.


And I would put money on it that 90% of the time the person is roping on purpose.


In which case roping back helps a lot.

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You would punch your neighbor in the mouth for roping you in a game of Hearthstone?


I saw a suggestion in another thread talking about applying a penalty for roping too much in a match. Something like: rope 3 turns in a row and it will be considered the same as a burnt out rope, making the next turn only 15 seconds. I could see something to this effect being better than reporting ropers.


What’s to stop a roper from staying just under the threshold though? You’d still end up getting roped most turns.

I know anyone doing it on purpose would find ways to still be a jerk about it. At least if some sort of penalty was there, you might save a few minutes out of a painful game. Just tossing ideas around other than a report the roper system.

I don’t really get too annoyed myself with ropers as I am almost always multitasking when I play and their lengthy turns just give me more time for my other task.

But I hold people hostage all the time with control warrior

Nothing wrong with that

I only have time for one account! Wherever would I find time to play on another account!

My concern is that tinkering with the turn timer can end up negatively affecting people who hit the rope for legitimate reasons. It seems unfair to them, particularly if the number of trolls is smaller than the number of people who rope for valid reasons.

That being said, I personally have found that roping back is very effective in getting people to stop roping. And in the rare cases in which that doesn’t work, I don’t mind spending 20 minutes doing something else while only vaguely paying attention to a Hearthstone game.


Hell yes I would. It’s a dishonorable tactic to do that to someone during a game. Chances are my neighbor wouldn’t do that to me since I know where to find him. That’s why little gaming turds do it because they are safely hidden behind their computer monitor.

The problem with today’s society is people are allowed to get away with everything and there is no sense of responsibility. Take away a persons ability to hide and suddenly everyone becomes a whole lot more respectful.

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And I agree with this 100%. Right now as I’m playing the game I have the forums open in another window. If someone ropes me (Even by accident) I will rope them right back. It’s a shame I have to resort to that nonsense and it diminishes the game.

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Well of course they are. It’s pretty rare that I accidentally forget to click end turn. It happens, but not often. The other times, I’m either thinking about my current/future turns or busy doing something else like making a sandwich or something. Either way, I’m roping “on purpose.” I intentionally don’t click the End Turn button for some purpose. Sometimes the pupose it not really game related, but so what? It’s my turn after all.


Exactly. We all want these games to move along quickly. Occasionally I have forgotten to hit the end game button but as soon as the fuse appears I have a “ooops” moment and immediately end my turn.

Meh… not always. boop


Most card games turns take several minutes. You’re lucky the hearthstone time is as short as it is. I’ve had plenty of turns that i wish i could take a longer turn. Ever played miracle rogue? Some turns can be horrendously misplayed due to the amount of options you have at times with so little time to think out your play.

TLDR: You are playing hearthstone. Your time isn’t that important. Cry more nerd.

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Rope is part of the game. You have a few choices…

  1. Rope back
  2. Do something else while they rope (youtube etc)
  3. Play your turns and don’t worry about what the other person is doing.
  4. Lower Right…Red Button…Concede the game and move onto the next opponent.

Yeah and once a person does that the other person gets what they want…easy chump victories by being a troll. Nobody should be allowed to advance in this game by trolling yet as I look around in this video game community it seems like 90% of you are totally comfortable with this.

When you get older and you’re 50 or older and you find yourself saying “How come nobody shows any respect anymore?” Just remember it started with all you kids who were raised in the internet era and you were all enabled to sh*t all over everybody else without consequences. I hope I’m still alive to see all you guys crying big crocodile tears complaining about the lack of respect and honor everybody shows you.

Bad things happen when decent people stand by and do nothing. If somebody is roping you get your butt back to the forums and post their name for everybody to see. Or better yet, keep a piece of paper and pen nearby and simply write down the screen name and what they are doing (I.E their troll deck, emoting you till you cry, roping, trying to add you as a friend, etc) and just make a post once a week that contains the names of every player who you feel is a douchebag.

I’ll get the ball rolling.
If you’re reading my post right now, write down your name and the cause of your douchiness (Chance are you are one) add in your address and the few decent people here will pull a “Jay and Silent BoB” and buy a plane ticket to come to your house and curb stomp you in front of your mom.

But on a more serious note: You can’t do anything online anymore without some troll showing up and ruining it for everybody else. You post a thread to the forums, here comes 16 year old Mikey the troll to start Sh*t and make your thread get locked. Or you’re enjoying a new game and here comes a gang of trolls harassing everybody, talking trash and making the environment too Volatile to continue playing. Sound familiar?