Report Feature for Duo BG

I am so tired of queueing for duo bg only to have the partner I get literally afk the entire match, not buying/upgrading anything at all and being forced to lose in a ranked mode because of this.

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Most of this is becouse HS is having a lot of connection issues since last year. Right now i join a BG, game crash before it started and now im unable to log into HS anymore becouse it try to reconnect me into that game and crash again and again. You have to wait ~10 min until BG over to try to another bg or play a different mode.

Yeah it’s weird sometimes you and your ally do just fine only for the game to disconnect you right as you drop one question mark so you can’t hear their response

another bug is when you for some miracle are able to reconect to BG, but you didnt get the chance to choose a hero, becouse you were dcd in hero screen selection, the upper flag with hero selection cannot be removed and cover the whole upper hero section. You cannot see how much gold cost upgrade tabern, how much health your oppenent has, everyhing is covered and after a couple of turns, game crashes.

Yeah this needs to be rectified somehow. Losing so much MMR from conceding instead of waiting until the game is over is extremely frustrating. I like the idea of duos when playing with friends, but for random queues this is just plain dumb on blizzards part.