Replace Dead Default Heroes

Can we have some of the default heroes replaced? Specifically those that are dead.
Here are some suggestions:

Death Knight - I realize that baseline these characters are dead, but the Lich King has been removed from existence. My suggestion is to replace him with Baron Rivendare!

Warrior - Much like the Lich King, Garrosh’s soul has been obliterated. What screams warrior more than an orc? An Ogre of course! That is why I suggest making Krol the new default hero.

Paladin - Uther has been dead since Warcraft III. We don’t have a default dwarf in Hearthstone which is a shame. Valgar Highforge being the default paladin hero would correct this state.

Warlock - Gul’dan has been dead since Warcraft II I believe. My pick for his replacement is Tihkan Soultotem. Perhaps a bit controversial, but why not a Tauren Warlock?

The majority of these characters do not have much story to them. It would be a great opportunity for Hearthstone to create their lore and in the case of Krol define what he looks like.

I love when Hearthstone takes little known Warcraft characters and makes them great, Dr. Boom for example!

This is the only good part of the opening post.


What is the downside of getting four free heroes?

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