Reno, Lone Ranger makes Hearthstone SUCK

Imagine me: an Unholy Death Knight. Its turn 9. I’ve just built up my board. I’ve fought hard to keep my minions on there. But I’ve finally got board control. Me and my opponent have been duking it out, but I’ve earned it. The battle is just starting to edge in my favor…

Then my opponent plays [Reno, Lone Ranger].

Everything I’ve built up is gone. Nothing on my opponent’s side is gone. Just mine.

Granted, it’d be one thing if the entire board got wiped and my opponent was limited to one minion for their next turn like I am. It’d be like a real High-Noon Duel Western.

But no. My opponent gets to keep their board setup, and I’ve basically played most of my good cards to the point that I can’t even rebuild sustainable value for the rest of the game. I’m just…defeated.

The turn after I play my ONE MINION (if I even had one in my hand by this point) sees me now getting pummeled by my opponent with virtually no way to defend myself. Even if I had a taunt minion, you think that realistically matches up against an entire board’s worth of damage?

And not only that, I can’t even effectively respond with something like [The Scourge] immediately after. I have no single card that can respond proportionately to the complete board wipe that this one – Neutral Card – just did.

And here’s the worst part:

No matter which class I’m up against, EVERYONE can play this card. This one card completely undermines the point of me even bothering to play Unholy Death Knight in the first place. It takes away all strategy. It eliminates the desire to build a fun, engaging, and play-worthy deck.

The salt on the wound? I don’t even have the card, myself. And I have no dust to craft it either. Its not a card I have. But its one I find myself up against virtually every time I construct an Unholy Death Knight deck.

I play this game to have fun. “Fun” is highly contextualized by constraints and limitations imposed on what players can and cannot do within the game.

This card absolutely sucks, and it makes Hearthstone suck. I’d still feel this way even if I had it myself.


You are three expansions back in past.


If I can’t play the class I like, what’s the point of even playing the game? The new mini-set just came out and added Unholy DK cards that I can’t get any play from because of Reno, Lone Ranger.

This blows.


if we look at previous vs report we see that except the reno warrior other highlander decks combined are like %8 of the decks played.

So I don’t know why do you even complain about decks you supposed to face once in every 11 games.

Reno Warrior is an exception because the deck was problem for every late game deck including other reno decks too and reno was not the reason for it.

As opposed to the standard MO of complaining about every deck over 10% popularity regardless of whether it’s actually powerful or not :rofl:

If you’re a playing unholy death knight (triple rune) the pay off card is grave strength if you don’t kill your opponent before they play reno you failed to play unholy death knight (triple rune) the way it is designed to fit in this meta.
If you are playing a hybrid you either have frost or blood cards both of which can do do some powerful things even with only 1 board space, threads of despair can just clear a board.
Late game variants of 2 unholy/1 blood Death knights can buff a hellhound to get a 3 for 1 after a reno while healing you to full,
2U1F can Reska with dead air(this just kills an enemy minion if it does fit to your board) and 1U2F can just play might of menethil to save face by freezing 3 targets and either can play the excavate package giving more solutions
Reno isn’t the problem, this card is strong not overpowered

Edit: the three new cards consist of a double blood and 2 single unholy cards, your cards are not unholy death knight cards but rainbow death knight cards, unholy death knight(triple rune) arguably doesn’t have support right now(or triple blood or triple frost) they are kind of just shambles of what was there

Julius is right that Reno needs a nerf. The problem isn’t even Reno, persay. It’s just that the in the current meta, it is VERY easy to make a board of giants. Reno will either straight up beat someone who committed to the big board strat (followed by Brann+ landmines…which just means you auto won), or you play your own bigs, go toe-to-toe for a few rounds, and then wipe the other players board for two rounds straight, allowing you to prevent ANY kind of counter play due to the single minion limit you place on your opponent.
The good news is, its a very easy fix with one of two minor nerfs. Either board wipe both players, but leave the opposite player only 1 minion on his next turn, or make it so you board wipe your opponent, but they can play whatever they want the following turn. Right now Reno just doesn’t work with how big minions can get.

Anyway, I suspect the devs will see the wisdom in this. Looking forward to the next balance patch, in the meantime.

If Reno didn’t have a deck build restriction I’d 100% agree, but he does so you already paid the cost to have him board wipe. It’s like saying Doc holiday is too good his weapon should give you overload 2 every time you attack. like why should the reward for starting with no duplicates be “nothing” just because it allows a deck to compete against agro/midrange. I think if a change to reno was going to happen then it would have happened, unlike umpire’s grasp it was nerfed to 9 mana when they could redo stuff(and they BUFFED it to starting deck instead of current)

The last one is not necessarily a buff. I think it was more meant as a nerf to prevent all fast-drawing duplicate decks from just jamming in highlander cards in there as a late game supercard. The masters tour was full of non-single decks using reno for instance.

A deck doesn’t have to be popular to be an absolute slog to play against. I wish people would stop equating popularity with annoyance.

You’re delusional if you think or even expect them to change it just because YOU think it should be changed. Get good, the card is fine and already has been nerfed.

Let me get this straight, you’re complaining about a board clear card being used what it’s meant for,when it’s meant for?? Sorry, but I’m siding with your opponent here, if I see my opponent with a full board you bet I’m going to drop Reno

You can play whatever class you want with whatever deck you want as long as you accept that some classes and decks super powerful and will beat you most of the time.

It’s not just a board clear. It removes them, so it bypasses reborn. It removes locations. It also limits you to one slot the following turn, which prevents other cards from working that build up your board or take from your opponents board. It’s effectively a two turn board clear.

Combine that with classes like warrior, which have the most removal options in the game, and it makes it just not fun to play against, or even play.